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  • my landlord back on january 21st 2020 gave me a 30 day notice to vacate, i moved out february 3rd, 2020, however my landlord is still charging me for the full month of february. can my landlord do this? i dont see how my landlord can charge me for the full month of february since i moved out february 3rd 2020, the rent should be pro-rated for the 3 days of february that i was still at my old apartment?
  • My wife is permanatly disabled under social security disablity. Part of her disablitiy is problems with comprehension. Between her learning disablity and hearing impairment, she has a really hard time comunicating with doctors and insurance companies. She just can't comprehend these things. She wants me to be her Medical Power of Attorney so that she doesn't have to deal with insurance companies customer service. The only information I can find is related to seniors. Can you help us? Where to go.. who to see?
  • I was in an argument with my boyfriend and he called the police. In the process, I was angry and cut two clothes which I gave him as gift in the past.The original price of those two items are 200 dollar in total, but it was worn for more than 2 years. Before I damage those two clothes, I have obtained consent from my boyfriend of returning those two clothes to me . However, I was still arrested and charged with criminal damage. If my boyfriend has agreed to return the clothes to me, is that still his property? I mentioned this to the police officer but he said he still need to arrest me.
  • In Sept. of 2014 my boyfriend pushed me down the stairs in our house and was arrested. Six months later Jan. 16, 2015 he punched me several times in the face breaking my nose and causing me to get 7 stitches above my left eye. He choked me and then forced me to sit in a chair while he threatened me. He fled before HPD arrived and was arrested in March for felony battery and coercion. I did not testify and charges were dropped. On Feb. 8th, 2017 he was arrested for DV. Can the prior charges get brought back in the new case even if he wasn't convicted?
  • We were just informed by the landlord's property manager a week ago that the landlord is placing the house we rent up for sale but our lease will still be honored. We are into our lease now 5 months. The lease does not expire until Feb. 28,2020. We have requested from the property manager that we would like to terminate our lease and commit to a month to month status with the understanding that we as well as the landlord can provide a 30 day notice to vacate. We have found a home we wish to purchase and do not to be held to commitment now that they are selling the house. Please advise. CW
  • A large cactus in the backyard fell on September 1st; two days later the landlord acknowledged the fallen cactus. It is now October 13th and no one has come by for an estimate to remove it. Our son cannot go outside because he just wants to touch it. Do we hire someone to remove it and take it out of the rent? They also never reimbursed us for the exterminators who camea few times when we first moved in. They have never acknowledged, and denied the issue of the bugs. This had been an ongoing issue with them.
  • My roommate and I got into a fight, now she wants me to leave and is threatening to file an OoP to get me to move out. Is there anyway to protect myself from such an injunction and maintain ability to stay in my own home? She claims I'm going do her physical harm, and I think her claims are unwarranted. Help I have no where to go and I've been here longer than she has.
  • Our leasing company who operates nation wide told me their contractors are legally obligated to tell them if they see or hear pets. (We don’t have one but our neighbors does, these houses are squished together) now they are trying to force fees with out me signing anything. It feels like an invasion, one of these dates this has been “recorded” was today while I’m at work. We haven’t requested for anything to be fixed. Is this legally allowed?
  • We've signed a lease for 1 yr from July 15th, 2017 to July 15, 2018. Our owner is attempting to modify our lease agreement which states that our management office will collect any mail packages while we are absent. Now, they are threatening to charge us $7 a month to rent an on premise locker or we'll have to drive to our local post office to retrieve our mail packages. Is it legal to change the lease terms 4 months after we signed our Lease?
  • Our lease ended in November of 2016, we did not want to sign a new lease due to trying to find a new place to rent. So we have just been paying month to month and ignored the least the landlord sent us to renew. Is it legal for us to not sign a lease? Can the landlord force us to sign a lease?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program