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  • My neighbor upstairs has 3 kids aand 2 adults. I have gone to management many times to ask them to send a notice about being too loud. The jumping around is so loud it vibrates my windows,I have gone up to talk to the lady and ask her to keep it down a bit. I saw one of the children riding a scooter in the apartment and another jumping off furniture,I told the management about this but they told me it's "part of apartment living" In the lease it states I'm allowed my peace and quiet. 2 days later I got a notice saying I'm not allowed to "pound excessively" on the neighbors door.What can I do?
  • i am 17 years old i have an 8 month old daughter i don't have any type of income to take care of me or my child i am trying to finish school i don't stay with neither one of my parents i am with my grandfather. am i eligible for receiving both?
  • I have sold my manufactured home (Personal property?) on a rented lot in AJ. Are there any rules or regulations as to who and how the check for the sale is sent to me? Can my broker and/or agent deposit the money for me in an account if I'm not able to attend the closing? Thank you.
  • Feb. 14,2014 Husband and I had a resolution meeting where he was suppose to rollover the per deim of his 401k plus 6k. it is on the paperwork to do so. It is now almost a year over and no surprise, he hasn't done a damn thing or how do I get him to or even know it is the correct amount? what if he has taken it all out by now? please help. I didn't say anything for I hoped he had done it and I just never got the paperwork, but I am pretty sure he didn't even attempt to. what can I do? sue him? hire my lawyer again? can I make him pay for my lawyer if I do have to get her involved again?
  • My Mom is an 80-year old senior with legal status, diable, no income, arrived in the US November 2007. She was just recently approved for AHCCCS Federal Emergency Services. I made an appeal to AHCCCS that she be granted a regular full coverage because of her current medical condition. What are the rights of the seniors in Arizona with the same case of my Mom in terms of health care. She has heart disease, severe arthritis, acute glaucoma that needs to be followed-up by specialists. She has been due for medical check up and needs continuous medication for the above illnesses. Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
  • I was adopted at the age of 13 from Russia. My adopted American parents were abusive. At the age of 18 I left home. I have been homeless living with friends as I finished my high school diploma. I have not been able to pay anyone for living at their home. I have started community college full time, two of my classes are not college accredited as I was educationally deprive and have to catch up to take Eng. 101 and college math. I spend more time studying than the average student as English is my second language. I work 8 hours a week at a clothing store. I just started caring for a 90 year old lady, more than 20 hours per week, in exchange for a place to study & sleep. DES says I need to work 20 hours a week to get food stamps. Would my caring of the 90 year old count as working even though I do not get paid?
  • I am the only person on my lease. My ex girlfriend, her kid, her boyfriend, and their 2 kids( my ex's grandkids) managed to basically move in. None of them work, I want my home back. Can I simply call the sheriff to have them removed at any time because they are guests? What if they have mail in their name coming? Like I said before they don't pay anything.
  • I helped my fiancé purchase a new car. I have good credit and got a great rate. She's making the payments but moved out and I don't know where she is. As long as she's making the payments I'm OK, right? If she stops payments that would not be good. What is the worse that can happen? If I have the spare key and were to get the car back is it considered stealing since the car is in my name?
  • Can you add add the fathers name to the birth certificate if he is not present.
  • what is the process for legal marrying of my dads sisters daughter nd iam hindu




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program