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    Do you want to escape it all and take a long vacation but aren't sure how to do it? Read contributing attorney Ke Huang-Isherwood's article "Getting a Visa to Visit Another Country" and start your plan today — Read More


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    Are you a savvy senior? Would you like to be? Attorney Kenneth F. Hegland breaks down some of the most complicated issues that surround us and those we love as we age. — Watch videos.


  • I was charged with an OUI. My first offense of any crime. I blew a .179, can I qualify for work release?
  • I am being evicted for complaining. I was served papers at 5:30 on Friday the 12th. I went to the courthouse Monday morning and filed an answer. There was not a judge at the time, the court clerk told me to sign the papers and she would get it taken care of. I also filed a counterclaim. I had to appear in court on the 18th. I appeared in court and asked the judge for a couple days extension so I could have ample time get legal council...he refused. He would not allow me to enter any evidence, pictures, letters, etc. I have 5 days to move....I signed a lease! Can you help me understand
  • My grandmother has late stage dementia, we recently moved her and provided a Doctors note to relieve her of her lease. I am POA. The apartment complex just sent a letter stating that there is urine on carpet ( my grandmothers) and they have to replace it and treat concrete. My Grandmother is on state assistance and has $110 left over after her assisted living expenses. They said they are giving me 30 days to pay in full or she is going to collections. From what I understand, she is considered judgement clear due to limited income. Can they come after me and send me to collections for this
  • My husband & I moved to AZ from MI 3 yrs ago.We have had custody of his son since 2006. We we granted a chnge in domicile in 2008. Can we file for a change in jurisdiction? His parenting time is one week for spring break,one week for christmas and 6 weeks during summer.If we can file for change in jurisdiction, do we file in AZ or MI?
  • My daughter is 2 1/2 when she was born I was with a man who is not her father and he signed the birth certificate and took claim for her until we split a year ago. I want him off the birth certificate and to change her last name. What papers do I need to file? How would I go about doing this? He has not had contact with her in over 6 months and I can’t even contact him anymore.
  • I had an affair wth the man guy who wasnt running the housing authority before and I was 8 and 9 on the housing list now that he is now running the place and to do personal issues wth me he moved my housing up to 99 so I had to eventually had to leave Williams I kept all paperwork updated I was given an excuse and told on personal call I'd never get it so what can I do I feel threatened and dont know what to do and I'm on disability
  • Recently my ex has passed and we have a 13 year old that we shared custody of. I am not sure if I need to file with the courts or do I just take over full custody. I am her biological father and there is no one contesting me taking her.
  • Is there a statue of limitations on custody papers? Can they be ammended at any time? is there a penalty for not seeing your child for over a year? I have attempted to see my son many many times but his father is not enforcing the custody papers. Do I have legal action against that?
  • I have recently filed a petition to move out of state with my 2 yr old son. His father and I divorced when he was 1 yr old. I have my sons only sibling and have been his primary care taker since birth. I am remarried and expecting a child. My husband is stationed in the military. Everything I read makes me feel like I will have to relocate with out my son and that the courts favor with the non-moving parent. What is the likely hood of the courts making me leave him given the circumstances, and will they really separate siblings who have been together?
  • I am plaintiff in a civil claim; lndlrd did not return sec deposit OR an itemized list of damages w/in 14 days; she claims over 8K in damages which I did not do.She claims she mailed the itemized list. I NEVER REC'D it; I filed in small claims; she ignored 4 attempts by the constable to be served. I motioned to serve, and constable served her. In her small claims answer she includes a letter w/ a date (w/in the 14 days), but it was apparently mailed by first class mail. I DID'T receive this. How do I ask to enter premises to see if item was replaced.I am in discovery process now. Thank you.




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program