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  • I work for a private Fiducairy Company in AZ. I have a client who is in a year lease at an apartment complex. He ended up in the hospital three weeks ago and his physicians are stating he cannot return home and must be placed in nursing care facility. The Apartment complex is stating he must pay next months rent and a $700.00 fee to break the lease. Are there any provisions or statutes in the Landlord Tenant Act that would help my client. He is on a fixed income and lives on his monthly VA benefits and Social Security. He does not have extra resources to pay for rent at the apartment and pay for a nursing facility too.
  • I am pregnant with my first child. the father wants nothing to do with they baby. I want to file for child support but do ihave to have the baby before i start to recieve the child support?
  • my husband transferred my earned money from our joint account in which only my salary use to come in his personal account without my concern.Can i claim my money without filling a divorce case.He also caused physical harm to me but i didn't called 911.
  • Landlord did not make mortgage payments. Bank is repossessing. Landlord gave me 30 days to get out, is this legal? There are no other rentals available in town at this time.
  • hello I am in the process of getting a divorce but I don't know the form I need to print out so that I wont have to pay for my divorce because I receive food stamps
  • I was an approved tenant along with my boyfriend and son in my boyfriends moms 55+ mobile home. We didnt have a written agreement with her or lease but were paying her $600 a month. She owns the trailer but rents the space and the park owners were well aware of situation.She kicked me out of her house no notice the same day and I had no place to go. Had to stay in hotels and also sleep in my car. My son is still there because I dont really have a place or the $ but she also hasnt allowed me to see him. Is there anything I can do to fight this or get compensated for being evicted
  • My ex would like to take our two children to CA during a school week. We have two conflicting documents. The Parenting Plan For: Joint Custody with Joint Custody Agreement states as follows: B. (Bold) SUMMER MONTHS OR SCHOOL BREAK LONGER THAN 4 DAYS: (Unbold) The weekday and weekend schedule described above will apply for all 12 calendar months EXCEPT: Each Parent is entitled to a one week period of vacation time with the children. Each parent shall provide the other with 60 days notice of their proposed dates for vacation. If there is a conflict of dates, Father's schedule shall have preference in odd years and Mother's schedule shall have preference in even years. I am assuming this means he can only take the children on vacation during summer months or school break longer than 4 days. .... and the Consent Decree of Dissolution of Non-Covenant Marriage With Minor Children states the following: Custody and Parenting Time ... h.Vacation. Each parent shall be entitled to one additional week of vacation with the children in each year. Each parent shall provide the other with 60 days notice of their proposed dates for vacation. If there is a conflict of dates, Father's schedule shall have preference in odd years and Mother's schedule shall have preference in even years. This document does not state anything about school. Which document prevails?
  • my children live in Arizona with there father and I live in Washington, I would like to have my children's side of things taken into consideration when we go back to court, what do I need to do to make that happen.
  • If my ex-husband is on workers compensation can he get a modification of support amount if he has other accounts such as a retirement, savings etc.?
  • my home had a foreclosure hearing in November but today i received a letter saying. Motion to withdraw motion for summary and default judgement entry and decree of foreclosure and vacate hearing. what does this mean? Thank you in advance for your time




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program