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  • Can my landlord shut off the water to my apartment for maintenance without giving me any notice? Also, is it acceptable that this is happening a couple times a week for a couple of months now?
  • Three roommates and I rent a home. Owner lives out of the country and when in town he enters without warning. Last time he stayed 3 months and pressured me into moving out of the master bedroom so he could use it. I pay my rent and it was a huge problem moving all my furniture and belongings downstairs to a tiny bedroom. He uses our wireless internet and pays nothing toward utilities. I live in constant fear he can return and disrupt our lives again. Can an owner enter with no warning and live in home.Can he force me to vacate master room again. He implied I would be given notice if I didn't.
  • I applied for unemployment on March 29th and was approved. I have been receiving unemployment but I have not spent any as I am sure my previous employer will dispute the unemployment claim. How long does an employer have to dispute an umemployment claim? I do not feel safe touching the monies I've been given yet.
  • How much time must you give a tenant to move out?
  • What is a conservator?
  • What if I don't agree to court decision in custody/parenting time self representation/ attourney for other party. can I file an appeal or express my reasons for not agreeing
  • Im separated not yet divorced. We lived in Arizona then agreed to move to Colorado last August. While in Colorado she was verbally abusive, she cheated and at one point hit me in front of our son and daughter. I told her I no longer wanted to be with her. She took the kids back to Arizona.I only allowed this because she said she would send them to me in January, yet never did.I have emails to prove hitting&leaving agreement. Also of her saying I cant skype the kids unless I sends money, though I have been biweekly.I want custody but dont have the funds right now. Where can I start?
  • must a landlord provide a notice to vacate to a tenant in "writing", or can it be verbal?
  • I am being evicted for complaining. I was served papers at 5:30 on Friday the 12th. I went to the courthouse Monday morning and filed an answer. There was not a judge at the time, the court clerk told me to sign the papers and she would get it taken care of. I also filed a counterclaim. I had to appear in court on the 18th. I appeared in court and asked the judge for a couple days extension so I could have ample time get legal council...he refused. He would not allow me to enter any evidence, pictures, letters, etc. I have 5 days to move....I signed a lease! Can you help me understand
  • My father died in March & mother in June. We have found that dad had some life insurance through USPO with no beneficiary designated. They want to pay to my mom's estate but there is no estate. She had assets under $10,000 and no real property. I found the small estate affidavit. There are three surviving children, 1 deceased with 2 children. I assume we all need to fill out an affidavit? One of the grandchildren is still a minor. Who fills out his?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program