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  • If I had a girlfriend when I was young and she get pregnen .But I did not see her for years she can come and asking me for child support and I have to pay her.
  • if I file for FMLA for medical conditions and then get pregnant or my family gets sick, is each condiotion allowed 12 weeks off , example I get fmla for me for medical issues AND THE get pregnant can I still take my 12 weeks off
  • I have a verbal lease until October and I pre-paid and it is June I was told yesterday to leave by July 1 which is not even a 30 day notice if she serves me an evection notice is there a free legal aid with attorneys representing me in court because I know she will have an attorney.
  • I have had someone living with me for the past 3 years as somewhat of a caregiver. I have lupus and Fybromyalgia and there are days when I can not function. I never know when something will happen. I live in an apartment andhave for 6 years. All the other managers knew that someone was with me and why and it was okay. Now we have a new management company who said that he has to fill out a credit report and since he is not working, they said that he has to let them know who is buying the soap, toilet tissue, toothpaste, etc. Since he does not have a job, he does get food stamps. Now, my question it legal for them to ask him who pays for what. I don't think they can ask him that because that has nothing to do with adding him to the lease.
  • My daughter's father and I have child support and visitation established, the court has left the visitation under our discussion, he and I decided on ones week him and one week for myself. I have enrolled our 4 year old in a preschool and I pay the full amount for our child to attend. Before I enrolled her I asked him if he would be willing to take her and pick her up from school. He agreed and now her wants me to take her out of school because he states it is not convenient for him to drive her back and forth to school, what are my legal rights and can he force me to pull her out of school?
  • I have customers at work that have past due invoices that I try to collect on. Usually a certified letter works because they sign that they received the letter. But now I have someone that did not get the demand letter, so what is the next step that I attempt to collect with out hiring an agency? Not sure of the laws and I have tried to look them up but they are very confusing. Is there a giude that can give me the proceedures and laws on how to collect?
  • I have multiple questions is there an attorney who can call me or that I can call after hours?
  • Landlord was notified about roach problem. Landlord hired pest control services. Three months later, previous pest control services had no effect. Tenant notified landlord. Tennant hired own pest control services. Pest problem going down. Today, water heater caught fire and now needs replaced. Cause of fire is most likely the roaches. Can Tennant break lease legally and without reprocussions or have rental payment returned?
  • In Arizona when can a legally married man(woman) be charged with rape of his/her spouse?
  • Both of my children have reached the age of eighteen and are not currently continuing their education. How do I get the state to discontinue taking child support payments out of my paycheck?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program