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  • If the house smells like animal urine, wet dog, etc and the property mgmt says they will take care of it...but they said they would. What are my rights for backing out of the lease? I just signed it on Tuesday April 4th 2019
  • where are the laws ,rules,guidelines of parenting plans during a divorce?  Husband wont do mediation just wants trial.I want to start planning for daughter homeschooling during summer how do I plan ahead and enforce? we have no parenting plan agreed on.thnak you
  • What if Medicaid continually refuses to diagnose a medical condition that Medicare covers? Should Medicaid follow Medicare LCD's? I have Medicare FFS and Medicaid.
  • does AHCCCS pay a hospice benefit?
  • If I have a deferred plea/sentencing does that count as a conviction?
  • My wife told told she was going to vacation for 2 weeks to new mexico just got a text that wants a divorce and want to come with my 2 daughters she saying is staying what can i do
  • I have a step son who’s 18 yo and will be 19 in a month who recently just had a baby. My question is this, he recently received a paternity court summons and in the summons it says he has 20 days to respond. Needless to say he hasn’t responded and he’s just ignoring the summons. What will happen if he continues to ignore this summons? It’s already passed the 20 day window.
  • I have a 1 year old son that does not have me or his biological father last name how can I get his last name same as his biological father last name
  • Do you have a direct number to the Flagstaff Superior Court house so that I can talk to someone about my child support?
  • My 35 year old son lives with me, but recently I've been having two problems. The first is he keeps his room so filthy, it's unhealthy. Clothes all over, along with food containers over r, which will lead to insect problems that I don't want in my home. The other problem, recently he has been bringing over a girl that I don't want in my house. She comes in and uses the shower, my hair and bathing products. She brings her dog, that is destructive. I normally have no problems with his friends, both male and female, but I don't trust her, I don't want her and her dog here. What can I do legally




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program