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My landlord just have us 2 months notice to move by text message. Can my landlord due that during a time of state emergency?
I am currently renting a mobile home in a 55+ community. Our trailer is old, but the tenant does not want to do any repairs on it. Our AC is only getting down to 86 degrees, and has been 92 degrees inside for the past week. Is this legal? I also have pets.
How do I begin to file probate if there is no will?
I have had 50/50 shared everything (court ordered) with my ex for 6 years . He just moved to Florida with only a week and a half notice leaving our daughter with me. Nothing was filed when he left. Can I file that he abandoned our child and seek full custody? what would be the first step?
i was looking up a justice court criminal case on the Arizonas judicial branch website, which is related to a legal situation that that I am involved in at the present time. I noticed that in the disposition section of the case it states 'comp dismissed by cty atty'. The reason that I ask my question is I thought that only a judge can dismiss a case, in a justice court. I would appreciate it if someone could give me as much information concerning my question as possible.My question is can a county attorney dismiss a criminal case, which is in a local justice court?
If you have a lease, and you have had non stop roof leaks from the rain storms. Black mold growing in the ceiling. Constant requests to get them fixed have not stopped the leaking. Landlord says the lease can be broke after Dec. can he keep my deposit if we decide to take our baby and move out early?
i need to know if it is legal for my husband to keep my kids away from me. were in the middle of a divorce and there is no custody order what can i do?
The home we are renting is set to go to Trustee Auction at the end of this month. The "Protecting Tenants at Foreclosure Act" expired 12/31/2014. What are my rights as a tenant now that this has expired. Can I be evicted without I still have to receive ample notice if the new owner wishes to occupy the home?
My apartments got flooded due to a water heater from upstairs complex. Water was every were living room both bedrooms carpets wet coaches. The humidity is bad. Landlord stated they can not work on it until it drys in the mean time were do I stay. I have baby. Mole will start growing. This happen in morning 4pm came nothing has been done not even a fan to help dry it. What options do I have. It was not my fault.
What are proper procedures for a school to question a young child 9 to 14 about a theft? Is a parent supposed to be notified? Or be there?
Free & Reduced Fees Legal Aid Resources
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- Please select your county of residence below.
State Bar of Arizona -
Maricopa County Bar
Referral number 602-257-4434 -
Pima County Bar
Referral number 520-623-4625 -
National Domestic Violence Hotline
800-799-7233 -
Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
866-553-0893 -
Certified Legal Document Preparer Program
- Community Legal Services - Yuma Office
View full description - Catholic Charities - Coconino, Apache, Navajo Counties
View full description - American Civil Liberties Union of Arizona
View full description - City of Mesa Housing Services Division
View full description - DES Aging and Adult Program
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