Child Support
questions & answers
Question: My daughter will turn 18 at the end of January, but is still in high school, senior, graduates in May. Is there a form for me to fill out to keep the C.S. obligation going? Also I am married now but the clearing house still knows me by my old last name how can I change it?
Please review ARS 25-320 for information on child support.
ARS 25-320 Child Support: factors, methods of payment, additional enforcement provisions; definitions
F. If a child reaches the age of majority while the child is attending high school or a certified high school equivalency program, support shall continue to be provided during the period in which the child is actually attending high school or the equivalency program but only until the child reaches nineteen years of age unless the court enters an order pursuant to subsection E of this section. Notwithstanding any other law, a parent paying support for a child over the age of majority pursuant to this section is entitled to obtain all records related to the attendance of the child in the high school or equivalency program.
To change your name in the support system, you should contact the Clerk of the Superior Court for the county in which you live. The Clerk's office should be able to tell you what form you may need and give you instructions as to what to do. If you live in
My daughter will turn 18 at the end of January, but is still in high school, senior, graduates in May. Is there a form for me to fill out to keep the C.S. obligation going? Also I am married now but the clearing house still knows me by my old last name how can I change it?
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