Domestic Violence
questions & answers
Question: I have an OOP against my ex boyfriend & he is still harassing/stalking me. I contact the police & file my reports. I am going to move back to Wa. state but my lease ends at the end of Dec. 2014. My question is.. can I get out of my lease early without any fines/fees or trouble?
Answer: The Landlord/Tenant Act (33-1318) allows a victim of domestic violence to 'early terminate' a rental agreement. You must request termination on an agreed upon date within the next 30 days. You must provide a copy of the OOP or police report. You may only terminate if the request if made within 30 days of the "events that resulted in the tenant being the victim of domestic violence". The landlord may waive the last requirement. You should include a copy of the most recent report to the police as well as your OOP.
I have an OOP against my ex boyfriend & he is still harassing/stalking me. I contact the police & file my reports. I am going to move back to Wa. state but my lease ends at the end of Dec. 2014. My question is.. can I get out of my lease early without any fines/fees or trouble?
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