Domestic Violence
questions & answers
Question: I hired a paralegal to prepare divorce papers, they have not been filed as of yet. We decided on division of property already. I need to know If I can sell items in my half of community assets/property to pay community debt? If not, am I supposed to let house go into foreclosure or my vehicle get repossessed. I do not work due to disability and have no income. Thanks.
Answer: It is best to get the papers filed and served before selling anything. You have the right to go to the paralegal's office and demand your paperwork. If it has not been drafted, you can demand your money be returned. If you and you spouse are agreed on property division and no children are involved, you can handle the paperwork on your own. All of the forms and instructions are on the court's website. Go to: You will find the forms and instructions you need.
I hired a paralegal to prepare divorce papers, they have not been filed as of yet. We decided on division of property already. I need to know If I can sell items in my half of community assets/property to pay community debt? If not, am I supposed to let house go into foreclosure or my vehicle get repossessed. I do not work due to disability and have no income. Thanks.
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