Guardianship of Minor
questions & answers
Question: Okay, so I'm 24years old currently seeking custody or guardianship of my little sisters. Our mom passed in 2011 and since then i have been trying to get custody of them. It has been difficult to get help with the forms. So i was wondering what I would need or who i should talk to
Answer: If you are in Maricopa or Pima County, you can go to their Self Service center and file for guardianship. The website is: Maricopa County Superior Court also has people at the Self Service Center that can answer general questions and try to guide you in the process. If outside of Maricopa or Pima County, go to the Superior Court in your County to see if there are guardianship papers to be filed, if not, you can use Maricopa or Pima County paperwork. You may want to speak with an attorney on guardianship.
Okay, so I'm 24years old currently seeking custody or guardianship of my little sisters. Our mom passed in 2011 and since then i have been trying to get custody of them. It has been difficult to get help with the forms. So i was wondering what I would need or who i should talk to
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