General Housing Information
questions & answers
Question: new owners have taken over my appartment housing, I wanna kno what I can do, they say may bathtub is not clean enough, wanted me to clean the light switches with a tooth brush, and say the apartment, per policy must look like new at all times
Answer: A.R.S. § 33-1342 allows a landlord to adopt rules and regulations concerning a tenant’s use and occupation of the rental property. These rules and regulations must generally be provided to the tenant at the time of the signing of the rental agreement. However, a landlord may adopt a new rule or regulation after the rental agreement has been signed if the tenant is given a thirty (30) day notice prior to the adoption of the rule. Is this a new “cleanliness” policy or is this a provision that was included in your original rental agreement? It is a good idea to review your lease agreement to see if there is a clause concerning the ongoing cleanliness of the apartment. As a tenant, normal wear and tear of the apartment is expected while it is occupied. A tenant and a landlord are free to enter into lease modifications, so long as they are not prohibited by law. Without a lease provision requiring an extraordinary level of cleanliness, this may be an unreasonable expectation depending upon the facts and circumstances of your situation. You may want to consult an Arizona Attorney to discuss the specific circumstances of your situation. The information contained in this answer is intended to be used as information only, and is not intended to be construed or interpreted as legal advice.
new owners have taken over my appartment housing, I wanna kno what I can do, they say may bathtub is not clean enough, wanted me to clean the light switches with a tooth brush, and say the apartment, per policy must look like new at all times
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