Tobacco Control Alliance Profile

Comprehensive smoking cessation programs include coverage for behavior therapy, such as individual or group counseling, and medications, such as the patch, the gum or prescription medications, like Champix, Varenicline (generic Chantix). Online Cessation Resource Center! Developed by the California Tobacco Control Alliance, this web site has been created to help people learn more about smoking cessation.

1130 E. McDowell Rd.
Website: Buy Champix
California, CA 85006


  • I recently had to get an Injunction Against Harassment against someone. They set a court date to contest it. I went to court, but the defendant never showed up. The Injunction is still in place. Can the defendant ask for another court date or legally contest it again. They were notified of the court date, since they requested it, so the court labeled them as "did not appear and had notification of the hearing date and time". This has been a very stressful ordeal. I want to know if I can breathe again or if I can expect to have to go to court again if the defendant requests it.
  • I know someone who was brought to the United States illegally by her parents over 14 years ago. I would like to see if I can help. Is there anyone out there that can tell me whether or not she is eligible to get her papers and if so who I can contact for further information. Thanks in advance.
  • My condo trustee sale was last week-some realtor c=offered me cash for keys-how long do i have if I don't take this offer?
  • our daughter is 25 yrs of age, she's permanently disabled, the dept of DDD has asked us if we are legal guardians for her, we have a conservative ship superior court order from the state of California, but we have been told that is not recognized in Arizona, so we have elected to file for a guardianship of her in this state since we reside here permanently. I'm permanently disabled as well and on fixed income which means I can't afford legal fees anymore. We need help filing our documents with the courts with all the necessary paper work the first time minimizing travel for health reasons
  • My vehicle was recently repossessed. The towing company won't allow me obtain my personal property left in the vehicle until I pay the accrued "storage fee" that increases $20 daily. Is this legal? Can I charge them for the car keys that they want me to turn over?
  • My son bought a car in Arizona and a day later left to Illinois was that against the law?
  • I am a 28 year old disabled man with a service dog and I live with 3 roommates whom I do not get along with. One of them (my ex) has threatened to kick me to the streets even though I have done nothing to warrant this. Can my roommates kick me out if I am on the lease? I pay my fair share of the rent, I have not done anything illegal, I have not done anything against my roommates to warrant being kicked out, and I have not broken any of the rules to be a tenant at the apartment complex I currently live in. What are my legal rights?
  • I have had a friend that lost his home in 2007 and i allowed him to move in with me as long as he does repairs the mobile home and pays rent and utilities! He started out great fixing things around the house, but now is on disability and collects food stamps and eats all day and smokes pot, he has gotten fat and lazy and has brought a pitbull into the house that has bit a couple people and myself with my permission to have in the house and hasnt paid any pet fees and has become a bully and argues with me about heating and cooling the house He has no lease and want him out! Need help asap!
  • i got married on my husbands reservation at the beginning of this year, and now hes already wanting a divorce but i dont want a divorce just yet. if he files for a divorce do i have to give it to him
  • Can a signer on a car report the car stolen against the co owner




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program