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  • I have lived in my park for 16 years, gone thru at least 4 management changes and decided to sell my mobile home and move. I have only ever signed the original lease, no addendums, have never been provided any new rules or regs, have continuosly asked to have my electric and water bills researched, and have NEVER gotten a response as to why when I lived away from the home for a month my water bill was $92. Now, since I have sold my home, the management company is coming after me for the last month rent and utilities. I requested a copy of he standing lease on my account and they refused.
  • If I have been convicted of domestic violence and all convictions have been set aside can I ever poses a firearm and apply for an armed guard card
  • can i get my covictions set aside in arizona if i now live in WI and do i have to be in AZ to apear in court for them to be set aside
  • Who is responsible for maintaining sewage piping on a rented lot in a mobile home park?
  • We have been renting our current property for 3 yrs. It changed owners after the first yr. We live in a 3 bedroom our first yr lease had us paying 750 a month rent. When the new owners renewed the following yr they raised the rent to 800 a month. Upon our third renewal and 2nd yr with new owners they raised the rent to 850 a month. This will be our 4th renewal 3rd lease with new owners and they have offered lease renewal for 1851 a month. This is a 1000 dollar increase monthly. Not only does it appear unethical, it seems illegal. Is this illegal? Fmr for this area is about 1360.
  • My financial advisor says that any IRA's and property I own prior to marriage is still mine unless I comingle funds. Only what is acquired after marriage is community property. Is this so?
  • my grandaughter is 15 yrs, unmarried and had a baby. the father is also 15 and unemployed. Is he or his parents lrgally responsible for child support. How do we proceed?
  • Me and my ex-spouse has joint custody, recently I move and have not reported to the court. Im scared to let him know my new residents due to the threats that I recieve by text and answering machine I decided to get a training order is there anything that I need to know addiction to this order?
  • When the non-custodial parent has parenting time is the custodial parent allowed to request parenting time during that time? For example winter and summer Vacation that are one to three weeks long?
  • do these evictions rules apply to Rv parks also




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program