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  • My ex-boyfriend signed the acknowledgement of paternity for my son even though he was not the biological father. Is there a way to disprove the paternity and have his rights to my son terminated?
  • I leased a townhome from a private individual and he uses a realtor to complete his tranacetions for him. I vacated the premises on 6/22. The lease terminated 6/30. His representative told me I would have my security deposit back within 14 days of turning the keys over. I still don't have my security deposit back. The landlord has told me the 14 days started on June 30. I'm getting conflicting information from him and his realtor. Which one is correct?
  • we have lived in this RV park for two months now we're getting evicted for nonpayment of rent but we didn't get a written notice or anything are they required to give us a written notice
  • what does Contributing to the delinquency of a minor mean?
  • Three roommates and I rent a home. Owner lives out of the country and when in town he enters without warning. Last time he stayed 3 months and pressured me into moving out of the master bedroom so he could use it. I pay my rent and it was a huge problem moving all my furniture and belongings downstairs to a tiny bedroom. He uses our wireless internet and pays nothing toward utilities. I live in constant fear he can return and disrupt our lives again. Can an owner enter with no warning and live in home.Can he force me to vacate master room again. He implied I would be given notice if I didn't.
  • we are currently listed as owner's to a mortgage but signed transfer of property- deed papers to an investor of whom we have been making monthly payments to. We have been informed by the mortgage that our payments have not been submitted and that we will soon be in foreclosure. What can we do? This investor promised to assume the mortage as well as the property but really only filed tranfer of property and continues to collect our money, of which has been steady each month.
  • Can I request to get custody of my daughter through the court if 1. her mother cannot support her, she doesn't have a job. Her mother is also not following the court orders regarding visitation.
  • My truck that i have drove for two years now was payed for on the spot for $1600 with income tax money from my grandmother and the rest pur of her pocket. Since then, out of my pocket i have put about $3000 into it myself. This income tax money my grandma had was from her claiming me(i was 17, im 19 now). My dad went and gave the man the money for the truck. My dad and i do not get along and he is mental (seriously). Now everytime he gets slightly irritated, he tries to take my truck and we get into it. The title has his name on it, but he is wrongly abusing. I'm so tired of this!Please help me?
  • Public Housing is asking for a letter stating that I have file child support to the father of my son. My question is that where can I get that letter.Do I have to go to court for this?
  • To whom it may concern; My mom was deported back in 1997-1998. She was charged with a crime prior to that and did 3 years of probation. It was after the 3 years of probation that the U.S. deported my mom. She was punished for 7 years I believe. She is back in the U.S. and I would like to know how to help to get her papers. My brother and I were born here in Arizona U.S. of A. and just don't want our mom to be looking over her shoulder all the time. Someone has informed ICE that she is here and ICE have been looking for her. What action can we take. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, NMP




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program