Criminal Law Article

Saint Patrick's Day in Arizona

*Please be advised that the article below remains on the site for informational purposes only and may contain information that is no longer current.

Why Are We Worried About Saint Patrick’s Day?

Saint Patrick’s Day is a cultural and religious holiday honoring the death of Saint Patrick that falls on March 17 each year. Today, Saint Patrick’s Day is known as a drinking holiday, where the streets and bars are filled with people looking for a good time. However, excessive drinking can lead to a variety of woes, including sexual assault, driving under the influence (DUI) charges or accidents, or even death. It’s imperative to understand the effects of alcohol and the risks associated with drinking too heavily or getting behind the week while intoxicated.

Saint Patrick’s Day and DUI’s

During Saint Patrick’s Day weekend, 2014, there were almost 4,000 arrests in Arizona. Of those 4,000 arrests, 233 involved drunk driving, which is higher than the previous year. During that time, 81 if those DUI arrests involved extreme blood alcohol content (BAC) levels, indicating that those individuals should never have considered getting behind the wheel. Ten individuals under the age of 21 were also arrested for DUI.

In Arizona, you are susceptible to being caught driving under the influence, especially during drinking holidays such as Saint Patrick’s Day. Arizona law enforcement uses tactics such as DUI patrols, increased focus on impaired drivers and checkpoints to catch those who are driving while intoxicated. The number of officers on the road is increased, officers are extra vigilant of impaired drivers, and checkpoints allow officers to stop and question those who are driving.

Alcohol Poisoning From Binge Drinking

Receiving a DUI or causing an accident is not the only fear when it comes to Saint Patrick’s Day. Alcohol poisoning is greatly associated with binge drinking, and could lead to emergency room visits or death. In Arizona in 2013, 2.5% of all emergency room visits and 4.5% of inpatient hospitalizations were related to excess alcohol use. Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant, which, when taken too much, slows the breathing and can lead to serious problems. At 0.10% BAC, your movements and speech become clumsy. At 0.20% BAC, you’re extremely drunk and 100 times more likely to get into a traffic accident. Once an individual reaches 0.50% BAC, they could enter into a coma or even die. Individuals are much more likely to experience alcohol poisoning or adverse effects of alcohol when they are binge drinking, something that occurs widespread on Saint Patrick’s Day.

How to Stay Safe

In order to keep yourself and others safe on Saint Patrick’s Day, be informed of how to keep yourself safe. Designate a driver before the drinking even begins. Eat food before and while drinking, and slow down your drinking to avoid alcohol poisoning. Be sure to drink non-alcoholic drinks, especially water, in between alcoholic beverages.




  • When I was 19, I received a Minor in Consumption. I completed a diversion program, and haven't had any similar incidents since then. Now I am applying to medical school, do I have to disclose the MIC on the application or did the diversion program dismiss the charges? Furthermore, if I do have to disclose this information, what would the offense be classified as?
  • wat happens on your second charge of shoplifting?
  • if i have priors in the state of california that occured in 2005 and 2008 can the state of arizona use that against me in court
  • Is there any way to get a domestic violence charge dropped?? I am the victim and my boyfriend is the accused. Plz respond asap
  • I had a court date and I was actually in emergency room getting a mental health evaluation I faxed the proof to the judge and he still put a bench warrant out for my arrest and there was no bond set I have never been known to run or not show up to court so I'm not a threat of fleeing is this legal? if what can I do
  • Pending DUI case. Is it my right to have the arresting officer interviewed and present at pre-trial hearing? Why was blood alcohol level not taken or requested. Is it legal to pull over a traveler at 35mph in 45mph zone?
  • I just found out I have a Inditement for me, my boyfriend signed the certified letter to me. I never even knew the police were called/ I'm in shock about this I did not! do anything to this person! He Was so drunk he fell off the chair I didn't even know his arm was hurt till days later,he admits that I did not do this to him but told his family I did,, he said the police came to take a report a week later?? this was in October I don't know what to do there saying I need fingerprints/DNA before my court date tomorrow! are they crazy they just assume I did this without ever speaking to me!
  • I was handcuffed didn't go to jail. Now I got served 4 months later w/court papers saying I have to get fingerprint and 2 days later I have court. I request police report and was told they can't that I would have to contact state prosecutor because of ongoing investigation. Please help
  • I was arrested and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and disorderly conduct over a year ago. At the time I was threatened by the size of the male standing over and blocking me although he did not verbally say he was going to hurt me. I have a settlement conference soon and my lawyer has said that a plea will necessarily include at least a year of jail time and I would not get off for self-defense if this goes to trial since he did not verbally threaten me. I am pregnant and due to deliver before the settlement conference. Does this plea offer seem reasonable?
  • Yes I need to see a judge to get a warrant taken care of for a state mandated class that I did not attend as I did not have the funds to pay $2300.00 for the class. What do I need to do to appear before a judge? Thank you for your help.




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program