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Do you want to escape it all and take a long vacation but aren't sure how to do it? Read contributing attorney Ke Huang-Isherwood's article "Getting a Visa to Visit Another Country" and start your plan today — Read More
Do I need an attorney? Unsure of what kind of help you need, let AzCourtHelp guide you. You may not need an attorney after all. Learn more at —
Are you a savvy senior? Would you like to be? Attorney Kenneth F. Hegland breaks down some of the most complicated issues that surround us and those we love as we age. — Watch videos.
My father passed away in September, 2016. I am the executor of his estate and I have a lawyer representing me and the estate. His house is paid off but he has a 7,000 home equity line of credit. There is no money in the estate to pay any bills except the utilities. It is for sale and hopefully will be sold soon. I received an Act 91 notice. Can a house be foreclosed on that is in probate? There is no money to pay the home equity line of credit bill or the taxes owed till the house is sold
How long after the court date for an eviction does the tenant have to leave the premises?
Can one ask for a court-appointed attorney when charged with DUI, and how would one do that, if so?
I'm a mother of 2. My oldest is 24 but mentally handicapped. My daughter is 14. Her father not my son's and I live together and co-parent. We are not in a relationship. He is mentally, verbally and has been physically abusive to me. Can I file for a temporary order to protect my children and myself from him? We share custody of her. Please help. Thank you.
My late husband incurred a car repair shop debt before we met. After he died, I started getting letters from an attorney for the shop saying I was responsible for the bill now. Is this true?
Me and my ex-spouse has joint custody, recently I move and have not reported to the court. Im scared to let him know my new residents due to the threats that I recieve by text and answering machine I decided to get a training order is there anything that I need to know addiction to this order?
i was given a wavier of consent of guardianship for my son i want to know after i sign it what will be my rights and if i have to pay child support
My husband is having a adultery, can I report him and her to the police? Would they both prosecuted? She is also marriage in China.
We were renting from the man who owes 1/4 house who also presited here as well...he past a few day's ago and the other owners cameand said We have to leave we have to or do weget Some time to find new place to Live
Under what legal authority does the father (never married) of my 6 year old, who has been deemed unsuitable for joint custody & has yet been able to abide by basic court appointed supervised visitation guidelines, have to continually bring me to court with neglectful parenting allegations, which are always dropped &, coincidentally, decided that he is the perpetrator in each case? Furthermore, as victim to his court declared domestic abuse (physical/metal), how is it that I am being required to be in contact with the perpetrating father, or at risk of losing my son due to parental alienation?
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