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    Are you a savvy senior? Would you like to be? Attorney Kenneth F. Hegland breaks down some of the most complicated issues that surround us and those we love as we age. — Watch videos.


  • My ex husband and I filed joint custody over our daughter. he was to pay the joint custody fee but as of yet hasn't. it's been about 8 months now. can he still pay it? What happens does one parent have more rights over the other? can I get full custody and he have visitation? help please!
  • If there is an old address on a Power of Attorney Health Care Form, is it still legal?
  • My son has been give a immediate termination notice to vacate his apartment reason says for illegal firing of firearm, but he absolutely did not fire a firearm, nor does he possess one, he is only 20 years old this is his first apartment and he is scared to death of what is going to happen. He did not shoot a gun, what are his rights?
  • do you have to be licensed to be a 1099 independant contractor
  • I would like to know what is the most money you can earn to qualify for food stamps. I earn about 100.00 a week plus 200.00 a month from social security. Do I qualify.
  • Where do I go for help writing a will?
  • If I had not been on my job for a year and was a few days to making my 90 days with full benefits when I had an unavoidable medical situation what do I file for when my job has me on medical leave but I'm not sure it is fmla and I have no income to pay my bills and not sure when the doctors or I will be able to medically clear me to physically do my job. I was told I'm not terminated but I do not qualify for any benefits although my medical insurance did get activated but will be terminated if I can not make the payments. I am still in need of medical care. I'm really confused please help me.
  • If a couple is separated and pending completion of a divorce, how may one parent get to see their kids throughout the divorce process if the other parent is denying them access to see the children?
  • In my divorce the Judge issued a Final Ruling months ago, but it seems there is no way to get a Final Decree. My ex keeps requesting delays claiming medical issues, but has provided no proof to the court of any medical issues. In the meantime I keep paying more and more temporary spousal maintenance and attorney fees. The Judge keeps approving my exs requests for more time. My attorney has filed a Final Decree with the Judge. How long can the Judge take to sign a Final Decree (months or years)? What else could my attorny do to push along my case? No one but me wants the divorce to be done
  • what does it mean to have a conviction vacated




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program