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  • I gave my roommate his written thirty day notice on July 1st. He barely has packed anything and I have a feeling he isn't going to be gone by the 31st. If he has not left the premises by the 31st legally what can I do? My husband and I own the house and he was living with us, just to give you some background. I'm stressing so bad, I don't want a confrontation but it might come to that. The paper he signed was a form we got online and it's not notarized or anything. Would that matter? Thank you.
  • My debts, including my first and second mortgages were discharged in Ch. 7 bankruptcy in 2011. After BK, I contacted my landlord (BBVA Compass), to see if they would agree I stay in my house in exchange for reduced payments. They said OK, but said they couldn't provide me with any receipt or written communication of any kind. However, they are considering the second mortgage in the total owed, despite that debts like these are considered UNSECURED. Should I accept this agreement where I won't have a paper trail to rely on in case of a dispute later? Thanks!
  • I gave revocable guardianship to my mom when I moved out of state so the kids could finish that school year and I started my new job. Now that I have petitioned to revoke guardianship, she is suing me for custody. I am so far and not sure how to handle this.
  • My baby mom got a order of protection against me for both her and my son. After my 1 hr supervised visitation she is required to leave the area immediately but she waits around. The director of the program witness and she made a 3rd party affidavit confirming that she waits when she shouldn't. She also says she hears the extremely inappropriate things my son says. She made a police report stating I was following her BUT she should of been 20 minutes away from the area . I got arrested beat the case and now I want legal actions done against her ? What would be my first step What kind of lawyer
  • I need assistance or some one to give me advice. My daughter is 14 yrs old and dating a 16 yr old. I have reported her as a runnaway seveal times already. im not getting assistance from the police dept in phx. as of last thursday the 8th she has not been in school she is a freshman. Im not sure what to do. I have the address, make and model with license plate number of the veichel and address as to where they live at. can i press charges on these people for holding my daughter there with there son? the boy she is dating is also on probation. please help on who i can speak with,.thanks
  • How long does it take for a new card to come in the mail?
  • I am renting to own my manufactured home from my landlord who is in turn paying off loan company. The contract she wrote and we both signed but was never notarized or witnessed states that I will rent the home" as is" meaning she is not responsible for any damages. The septic tank is broken and flooding badly enough that one side of the house has sunken into the ground. The clogging from the septic has caused leaks and clogs in water pipes causing mold in walls and insulation under house ruined. A lic. Plumber informed me that the septic tank got broken when she installed it previous to my renting. It is also illegally placed too close to house. Also, my mother paid my rent in February and when I asked my landlord if she received this money she stated no. I called my mother to confirm she did go there then I called landlord back and told her I knew she was lying about it and she admitted that she had in fact lied about how much rent I actually owe her. What can I do about all of this?
  • What is the definition of habitable under AZ law. If move into apt. that has new carpet that makes one sick would that be uninhabitable? Thanks
  • My ex is enrolled in a tribe here in arizona along with our 4 children (i am not enrolled with the tribe). He has failed to pay child support for the past year. How do i enforce child support through the tribe? Is it possible?
  • I have an employee that has co-signed for a loan with her son, the son has defaulted and is filing bankruptcy, the lender has not yet contacted her for repayment of the loan. She would like to be ready to do whatever she has to do to make this go away. She doesn't want to file for bankruptcy, but may have to. She is looking for a low cost/free help. Any help would be greatly appreciated.




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program