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  • hola como veran mi pregunta es en español y quisiera primero saber si me pueden contestar en español la pregunta que les valla a hacer
  • I was recently served papers concerning a request to modify child support. The order to appear was not signed by a judge and the paperwork was not complete. 1) Should I have received an Order to Appear from the court? 2) Since the papers were incomplete and not signed by a judge, do I need to respond? 3) If so, what papers should I file when the papers I was served were incomplete and not signed?
  • I bought a mobile home in a park. I pay space rent and a payment on the mobile. I received a list showing breakdown of interest and principal. I also paid a 5,000 down payment. She refuses to give me a title with her as the lien holder. I cannot sell it because I do not own it. It is my understanding is that I should just move out. She would own the mobile. She gives me -0- not even my down payment. My understanding is that AZ is a title holding state. Not a lien holder state. What is right. What can I do?
  • A room in our home was rented on a month-to-month basis. The 1st month was a trial period to see if they were a good "fit." The man intimidated a disabled female in the home and verbally assaulted her the following day (at which time they were given 10 days to vacate), they were caught smoking marijuana in the home (given a verbal warning), their dog bit someone (didn't break skin just bruising and swelling), caught smoking a second time - told to leave immediately and made threats of imminent harm. Have not returned to claim possessions as agreed and claim we owe them money. What do I do?
  • Is it Arizona law that neither parent with respect to a divorce, can not move more than 100 miles from the other if joint custody.....even if one parent is the primary parent?
  • I moved to Az over 2 years ago and have a 6 year old daughter. Her father and I have joint custody of her in the State Of New Mexico. Does that agreement still hold up in the state of Arizona, as we were never married? Would i have to obide by the joint custody plan that we signed in New Mexico in 2009 or would i be able to get custody of my child in Arizona?
  • My ex is doing this to our son. Where can I get help? The judge doesn't see my side of this and there was significant domestic violence in our marriage. The judge has granted my ex custody and he is a dangerous alcoholic. My daughter, his step daughter is so afraid for her little brother because she knows 1st hand what her step-father is capable of yet the judge won't let her in the court room. My ex is extremely good at conning and manipulating the system and has the judge fooled. I don't know what to do and now I can't even see our son. What can I do?
  • Can my mom get a judge to make me stay at home even though I'm 18 until I graduate highschool?
  • Does th money have to be divided equally during the divorce proceeding?
  • I have recently moved back to arizona,my husband resides in illinois and has filed for divorce. I was told i can't file any papers here to respond to what i was served, and i have no idea what to do or what is going on. Can someone please help me




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program