Catholic Community Services in Western Arizona Profile

Programs for disabled individuals, homemaking assistance, nutrition services for seniors, domestic violence safe housle and counseling, case management services, and adult day care programs for elderly and disabled men and women.

690 East 32nd Street
Yuma, AZ 85365
Phone: 928.341.9400
Toll Free: 888.514.3482
Fax: 928.341.8428


  • Hello. I am finally attempting to get a divorce from my husband. I am from WA State and fled to get away from him and his family who were threatening my children and I. We have one small child together. When he was a child his mom changed his last name, not legally from his birth name to her maiden name. And we were married with her maiden name, not the name on his birth certificate. My question is does this make our marriage legal?
  • My dad died I inherited the house the title is in my name I've been trying to sell this house as I can't stay here due to my age being 51 a few days ago management verbally approve me approved me my boyfriend is 56 management said that I had to have him on the title in order to live here prior to this I had put an order protection against this man she won't allow me to find a roommate or another 55 year old source so she sent me an email saying I was to be evicted in 20 days if I was not out before that can she do this
  • my fiance lives with his mother in there home they have been renting for a little over 8 years now. he was currently incarcerated, given 3 months in jail. while in custody his mother unexpectedly passed away in the home.I am the only one given by the two sons next of kin a power of attorney to have access to the home. the property manager has gone in and let the aunt take things then changed the locks so i had no access to the home.I spoke to him about paying rent in which he agreed to take payments for a months rent he has taken partial payment and now will not allow me access me!
  • We received a tro from district court on our foreclosure it was mysteriously remanded to state court then dismissed by state court we are under appeal to 9th circuit. It turns out opposing counsel clerked for judge at the AZ supreme court and US court of appeals for the ninth circuit. Neither the judge or opposing counsel disclosed there past relationship! Is this not a conflict of interest? Is the judge not required to disclose there past relationship? Is the lawyer not required to disclose there past relationship? Is it of any use in a dismissal?
  • If I ask a court for a protective order, and they denied it, can i go to another court and try?
  • What about lemon laws in AZ for used cars? My rights.
  • Does a landlord have to pay for sewer?
  • My ex would like to take our two children to CA during a school week. We have two conflicting documents. The Parenting Plan For: Joint Custody with Joint Custody Agreement states as follows: B. (Bold) SUMMER MONTHS OR SCHOOL BREAK LONGER THAN 4 DAYS: (Unbold) The weekday and weekend schedule described above will apply for all 12 calendar months EXCEPT: Each Parent is entitled to a one week period of vacation time with the children. Each parent shall provide the other with 60 days notice of their proposed dates for vacation. If there is a conflict of dates, Father's schedule shall have preference in odd years and Mother's schedule shall have preference in even years. I am assuming this means he can only take the children on vacation during summer months or school break longer than 4 days. .... and the Consent Decree of Dissolution of Non-Covenant Marriage With Minor Children states the following: Custody and Parenting Time ... h.Vacation. Each parent shall be entitled to one additional week of vacation with the children in each year. Each parent shall provide the other with 60 days notice of their proposed dates for vacation. If there is a conflict of dates, Father's schedule shall have preference in odd years and Mother's schedule shall have preference in even years. This document does not state anything about school. Which document prevails?
  • Where can I find previous restraining orders records? Trying to gather all possible evidence that my ex has a pattern of domestic violence. I know all of us 3 women who he has been with filed for an order of protection and experienced domestic abuse. He beat me up when I was pregnant with our son and our son came out early and is now in NICU. I want to do everything possible to protect my child.
  • I have joint custody and am needing to file a petition to prevent relocation. The court gave me a blank title page packet. What do I need to include in this petition?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program