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  • I'm a father of 3 little girls my oldest 9yrsold from previous other 2 babies with the mother is a full fledged narcissistic women,my kids and I would see her rage daily over disagreements, couldn't question her. In public eye she is the best mom and person in the world to strangers&church but, in our house it was hell. I had no clue what a narsisist was until I was looking for answers. Once u call her out on truth of her wrong doing , from lying her where about to doing things to my girls. She got caught cheating,now kids taken away from me? I need to know if my youngest is mine?
  • How gain custody of my child when I don't exist in his life by any documentation? I am his biological father,and currently his sole provider (for the past 6 months). His mother, my ex girlfriend, decided that being a mother isn't suit for her, and has told me that I can have all legal rights. However, I don't know how to begin this process of gaining custody. How do I begin? Who do I talk to? And what would be the easiest way of doing this if she's willing to give up all rights to our child?
  • How do I go about removing people who live in my house who are not on the lease. I understand they have squatters rights. How would I go about legally removing them from my home? I am not the landlord I am the tenant, but my name is on the lease and all the bills. I do not want them in my home any more they have been here illegally for about 3 months. They are not on the lease, how can I legally remove them without losing the house myself?
  • After enduring years of abuse broken neck, stabbing, multiple other injuries my husband inflicted on my body now paralysi . He's called Chandler police filed false reports I'm always charged w/no evidence he broke my neck son called 911 i was put in jail when I didn't do anything. past 2 years Chandler PD & Marok charged me w/29 false allegations He cleared out all my accounts. So self rep family ct.Hiding behind false haress. inj.HE MADE $5MILL$ IN STOCKS 201 keep me away financial info. ***JUST NOTIFIED I'VE BEEN INDICTED FOR ARSON DANGEROUS FELONY IN FEDERAL. t COURT ON FRIDAY APRIL 22ND
  • I'v been married for 10 years.I'm need help getting my devoice papers.
  • the employer charged with paying me unemployment has now asked me to do a one time very small project for a couple hundred dollars as a 1099. I'm afraid of accepting this work because I will still need unemployment benefits after this project is done. will i lose unemployment for a one time project job paying very little? Do the questions asking me about work on the weekly filing have anything to do with 1099 work or just fulltime work?
  • What is the law in Arizona regarding revocation of driver's license because of age, health, or mental condition for elderly persons?
  • I was married to an ex marine for 10 years when I was 18. He was murdered shortly before we were divorced. Its been over 20 years but I was wondering am I still qualified for survivor's benefits or his pension?
  • I was at work and there were two people in my home without my consent and one of them had a warrant, and the other person answered the door and allowed cops to come inside without a warrant and found guy with warrant in my bedroom. They then said they found drug paraphernalia in plain view. They arrested me later in the week and charged me with paraphernalia. What rights did cops have and what should I do? I donot plan to plead guilty for this charge. Please help.
  • Is the Tempe city court required to provide a TBI traumatic brain injury victim legal counsel?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program