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  • In the event an annulment was granted does the the wife have the option to keep the husbands last name even if he requested she not keep it?
  • A recent partial flood due to a roof leak caused by pigeon feces and nesting on the roof. Birds were also living in the attic. Sewer roaches also infested the attic drawn to waste and moisture present in the attic. With hazardous exposure and health concerns, is this the responsibility of the owner? They are communicating I should have recognized or smelled the nesting and feces and reported it before the problem developed. I requested they order an air quality test due to my asthmatic children and my concern of something in the air about a year ago. They have no record of it?
  • I recently received a letter in the mail from a collections company saying I owe an old apartment of mine money. It has now been 2 yrs and 4 months since I lived there. I completed the move out walk through with a manager and everything was fine. Also, I didn't need to get a security deposit back, because they consider my employer preferred (Didn't have to pay one). So now they want money for some type of damages. So what I want to know is how long does the apartment have to file this claim? Also, since everything was ok at move how do I go about tell the collections company?
  • My wife kicked me out by threatening to call the cops on me and tell them im violent. I left because she was the one slapping me. How do I get my items? Do I still have to pay rent due on 5th? Kicked out on the 1st.
  • I was arrested on a charge of felony trespassing, but the charge was dismissed. Can I have the records 'set aside'.
  • I am on permanent disability. I own a 2009 car (my only car) and owe back taxes. I am single. Can IRS seize my car or my disability income?
  • I'm a little confused on what I should do my father-in-law just passed away last month on the 29th he was on hospice here at the house my mother-in-law passed away 4 years ago and we have got an eviction letter I guess that house sold at auction and I'm confused on what I should do because the eviction was for my mother-in-law and father-in-law they've lived in this house for 34 years his house payment was only $248 a month he was losing his marbles and yesterday the sheriff came until this we have till Wednesday to be out how is that right. We never got to go to court
  • If someone is on an Interstate Compact from Oregon to AZ and on parole, and they get put in jail; don't they still have the right to know why they've been put in jail? Especially after 3 weeks, with no appearance before a judge given, and Oregon says they still haven’t heard anything from Arizona and they usually don’t on these minor violations. I was told by a PO that my Son was being locked up for a parole violation of two diluted UA’s in a row. My son had to hear from me why he was locked up. They never told him his UA’s were coming out diluted or why he was being locked up.
  • Landlord refuses to make repairs in the house we are renting. We are withholding rent. Today there's a notice on our door, that he's going to shut off the electricity. He refuse to move us to another unit and said if we can make repairs but he won't deduct the cost. He want us to pay for the repair on top of the rent. This sounds so illegal. Can you help us ??
  • Hey I live on a small lot and have animals. My dad gave me permission to use the land. I have ten chickens, two ducks, five pigeons, and a pheasant. We have been fighting a lot and he threatens to kill all of the animals, which I have bought or have been given to me. He says that I don't take care of them enough, which I will admit Im not the best at but they have food and water all the time and I do my best. But he threatens to take them from me and kill them every time, which is every time he starts to drink. I don't know if he can because its his land or if he can't take them from me.




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program