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    Do you want to escape it all and take a long vacation but aren't sure how to do it? Read contributing attorney Ke Huang-Isherwood's article "Getting a Visa to Visit Another Country" and start your plan today — Read More


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    Are you a savvy senior? Would you like to be? Attorney Kenneth F. Hegland breaks down some of the most complicated issues that surround us and those we love as we age. — Watch videos.


  • I was arrested for receiving stolen property before my arraignment i bailed out on my first court date i went to court and there wasn't aany charges filed the judge told me to come back in a month i did and at the time charges still we're not filed and the judge exonerated my bail and told me i was free and now i have a warrant for my arrest what can i dog
  • My lease is coming up for renewal at a complex that recently changed ownership. My neighbor is currently reviewing the new lease and trying to decide to stay or leave. The lease has an addendum saying that Tenants will be chaged CAM fees for ALL common area maintenance and repairs and all expenses to operate the property. They will determine the amount of each tenant's share by dividing the entire cost of CAMs divided by the number of units leased (not the number of units within the complex). They will not provide an estimate to "not to exceed amount". Can they do this? Big repairs comin
  • How long does a landlord have to return partial payment in their possession, after no documents were signed outlining date rent will be cured from tenant? Can they legally proceed while excluding the partial payment in their possession from the court documentation summons all together? No 5 day notice was received via certified mail and no agreement entered into that they can accept partial payment and still pursue to evict. Please help.
  • A newly licensed dentist removed all of my teeth except the front six. When he removed my bottom teeth, he did a lot of damage - splintered some of the bone, and tore out a lot of tissue. He did not even use my x-rays; instead, he hung up a dental-chart illustration and used that. He used a pliers-like instrument to violently wrench my teeth from my head, all the while sweating and swearing. He failed to anesthetize my lower front teeth and reprimanded me for flinching when he removed them in the absence of novocaine. I am still receiving bills from them. How do I file a small claim?
  • I own my townhouse . I live in a self governed CO-OP . We vote to elect our own board We have a Management Co that we employ and pay . We have a new President on our board . I've lived here 9 yrs . This individual has lived here 2yrs . He wants to inspect every ones Home once a year now . This has never been done before and isn't in our bylaws . Is this legal ? I don't want him in my home . Can he just make up new rules without a vote from the other owners ?
  • My now 9 month old sons daddy left Arizona for Iowa two months ago. We aren't married. He say he will help pay but hasn't. What should I do?
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  • Is it Arizona law that neither parent with respect to a divorce, can not move more than 100 miles from the other if joint custody.....even if one parent is the primary parent?
  • I just got the keys to my new place. Long story short the neighbor and his company made my girlfriend fear for her safety. When we were leaving I took the way out by his unit and he stopped my car at gunpoint because he "thought I was someone else". I want nothing to do with this place now! What can I do?
  • My husband and I have been living atapartments for 9/10 months now and we have a 9 month baby, we have always been kind of suspicious of mold because all of the walls look like chunks of them have been replaced, the celing has water spots, its just a mess. So on 8/10/13 my husband was feeling the wall in our bedroom where him and I and also my son sleep and when he felt by the base board the wall kind of just broke so he pulled out the drywal and it is just caked in mold. Black chunks of mold all over. So now it is exposed and we can not bring our baby home, nor can we be home what can we do?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program