
    • Question: if my son lives in a different state and the mother don't let me see him do i got to pay child support
    • Question: Living in a seniors apt complex that seems to be having a recent bedbug problem and charging the residents $750 to get rid of them. Is there a lawyer to help with this? Doesnt seem fair or right
    • Question: I have friends whom I have know for 61yrs. We considered them as parents and they have called us their kids.They loaned us money for a down payment.At the time I was their POA .We advised them we didn't know when or if we would be able to pay then back.Dont worry about it..It is going to be yours.To make a long story short she broke her hip we cared for her and her husband for 3 months.Now they have turned on us and want their money.They have lawyer involved.What are my options?
    • Question: I have just got a summons to respond to a credit card company. i live in snowflake az, am 70 years old, working at xxx for not much money, and i don't know what to do. HELP.
    • Question: I purchased an existing home on apprx 1.6 acres in 2011 and have continuously lived in it. The area was subdivided and platted in 1958, homes range from 50s until current. An adjacent undeveloped lot is under contract & a survey disclosed that the corner of my 1973 house and part of driveway encroach on the adjacent property 10'. Side setback. Am I or can I be forced to pay for replatting and to agree to a land swap, or am I granted any rights since the owners of the lot when I purchased home never contacted me within 3y after I purchased? What options do I have legally have?
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Family and Children

    Child Custody

    • Question: What are Conciliation Services?
    • Question: What if I don't agree to court decision in custody/parenting time self representation/ attourney for other party. can I file an appeal or express my reasons for not agreeing
    • Question: How can my ex-husband file court papers changing the custody orders made with our divorce, stating that i can not take my son out of the county they live in. hes not even his son. its a long story and i need help getting my kids back.
    • Question: do I lose my rights to my child if a grandparent is apointed permanent guardian?
    • Question: I am divorced and my ex took my children out of the state of arizona. She didnt give written notice of this and she lied to me and the children that she was moving some where else in the state what can I do to get my children back???
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    Child Support

    • Question: What should you do if you have lost your job and cannot afford to pay child support?
    • Question: When a child turns 18 does child support stop?
    • Question: My daughter's father has abandoned her for the last 6 years. Can I file for termination of parental rights and how do I do so.
    • Question: what are the fathers rights if not married?
    • Question: Can I file for back child support for a child I raised for eight years if I did not originally ask for child support? Custody changed to the mother about a year and a half ago where she did not ask for child support and now she is filing for it.
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    Divorce & Annulment

    • Question: What is a Dissolution of Marriage?
    • Question: What are Conciliation Services?
    • Question: What reasons must I have in order to get a divorce?
    • Question: When can I file for a divorce?
    • Question: How can my ex-husband file court papers changing the custody orders made with our divorce, stating that i can not take my son out of the county they live in. hes not even his son. its a long story and i need help getting my kids back.
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    Domestic Violence

    • Question: I was recently in a relationship with a guy who was verbally and emotionally abusive. We were living together for about 3 months and he was always yelling at me and I was getting very scared. After he held me inside our apartment and refused to let me leave I finally got out and moved out. I tried to keep things civil. He moved to out of state but he says he will come back. He calls the house I am staying at several times a day.  He breaks into my emails and talks to my friends. He threatens me and he gets very angry at times and calls me and says he will do stuff to me and he will do stuff to my friends . I was wondering what I could do. I am very stressed out and scared and I feel like it is getting worse and I need a solution. I looked up about an order of protection but Im not sure where to go and how to do it. Id like to stop him from contacting me, my family, and my friends. I feel that he may be emotionally unstable and have issues that could turn to violence. He says he is coming back to Arizona and I just want to protect myself, my family, and my friends.
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    • Question: My ex-girlfirend attacked me with a crow bar and split open the back of my head and when I called the police they were trying to make it seem like I was the one who had done something wrong can I go to the police station on my own and file a report there? Also I wanted to know if I am able to go and make a report on my own will she be charged with anything?
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    • Question: Should I seek counsel in a case where I ihave a protective order and defendant filed an answer with a lawyer?
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    Forms and Letters: Family Law

    • Question: I would like to leave the state, but was recently informed that even though I have sole custody of my two children that I would hava to file paperwork with the courts because the other parent has visitation. My question is what is the correct paperwok that I need to file?
    • Question: My husband is filing for a divorce, and wants me to hurry and sign the Waiver of Service. Which I take it to mean that I'm acknowledging that I was served and nothing more. Is this correct? If I sign this acknowledgment will it affect my divorce in any way?
    • Question: My ex husband was ordered by the court to provide me with his address and employment information within 10 days. It's been well over the 10 days and he refuses to give me the information. What forms do I file to request contempt charges and that he be forced to give me the information?
    • Question: how do i transfer my current family court case from maricopa county to pima county where i have lived for over 3 yrs
    • Question: My friend has a son and the mother currently has sole custody of him. She currently resides in a two bedroom apt with her boyfriend whereas my friend is renting a three bedroom house. His son has his own room and the mother has the son sharing a room with two children 10, 8 that belong to her boyfriend. Is there some sort of law that makes it not okay for my friend's son to share a room with two older children that aren't blood related?
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    • Question: How do I get guardianship of a minor child?
    • Question: I gave revocable guardianship to my mom when I moved out of state so the kids could finish that school year and I started my new job. Now that I have petitioned to revoke guardianship, she is suing me for custody. I am so far and not sure how to handle this.
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    • Question: my ex husband and i are going to court to modify child custody. we have a 15 yr old boy and a 12 yr old girl. he has told the children if the cousody changes in my favor that they will have to share a bedroom. he has a four bedroom house is this legal
    • Question: Is there a law that says that it is illegal to consent to sex if the person who is consenting is a minor? (Meaning, they are not old enough to make that decision)
    • Question: i'M TRYING TO FIND HEP FOR MY 14 YR OLD DAUGHTER. sHE WAS ACUSE OF CRINIMAL DAMAGE ON A VECHICAL.I'm trying to find someone tha can help me.
    • Question: My 16 yr old sister stole my truck and let her drunk minor friend drive it. The police told me I can't report it stolen because she had access to my keys. Can I have her arrested?
    • Question: In the state of Arizona can a parent/parents legally kick a 17 year old out?
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    • Question: During the final divorce could I change my name back to my maiden name but also keep my married last name, Just hyphen it? EX: jane doe-smoe
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    • Question: Why is it that I would be required to notify anyone I have had children with when I change my name?
    • Question: When my son was born 12 years ago his father and I weren't married and I gave him my last name, this was in San diego. Then his father and i married in Virginia. I didn't change his name on his birth certificate but I did have it changed on his social security card to his father's last name. So since he was 2 he's had his fathers name. Since then we've divorced and I've remarried. But I wanted to finally change my son's last name on his b-certifn
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    • Question: I have a 10 month old son, I was not married to the father, he is on the birthcertificate, we have lived together not as a couple but raising him since his birth, I want to move to another state to live with a family member to start my life over, I have received mixed legal advise on this, there are NO documents in place determining custody etc,Do I have custody since I am his mother like other states and can I leave without any legal consequences?
    • Question: I understand that if my husband CLAIMS he does not know my current address that all he has to do is post something that he has filed for divorce in the newspapers legal section,how can I find out if he has filed or not? I do not trust him.
    • Question: What to do with an exwife that has not followed the judge orders on the separation of goods after the divorece was done. She is still taking money from my account,she has taken things from my home, how can I get her out of my life and make her return all the money and goods she has taken afte the divorce?
    • Question: I have just gotten a divorce and my exhusband is ordered to pay back money he took from our savings account when we seperated. He says that he does not have the money and will have to make payments. He was awarded our personal property which is paid off. Can I put a lien on this title? He says he is building a home is there any other way of ensuring that I will get my money returned?
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    • Question: what are the fathers rights if not married?
    • Question: My girlfriend and I have two children together. I would like to gain custody of them since she has been experiencing mental health issues and cannot take care of the children.  I cannot afford a lawyer and have been told I cannot leave the state without her permission and was also told since the children's birth certificates establish I am the father and that they have my last name I can relocate with them. I can't get a straight answer !
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    • Question: My husband has a child from a previous relationship. We aren't positive that the child is actually his. He is a resident of Arizona, the mother lives in Washington state along with the child. My question is this, which state , Arizona or Washington, would have jurisdiction to decide Child Support payments and establishing paternity?
    • Question: My Son fathered 2 children with a lady who was married to someone else at the time of birth.She listed her husband as the father on the birth certificate. She was killed in an accident recently and was still legally married at the time , but had been seperated from her husband and lived with my son for 5 years.Her husband and her had filled out & had notarized a from called voluntary paternity , but never listed my son as the father , he did aknowledge he was not the father.My son had dna test done and they do show he is the biological father.How does he get the name changed on the birth certficate.He has the children , that is not an issue , just want to make sure all is legal in the eyes of the courts/state.How do we proceed ?
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    • Question: Please describe what the courts look at for "best Interest for the child". Do they take into account what the child(ren) want?
    • Question: I was never married to my sons biological father who happens to be an illegal immigrant. Paternity and child support have been established by the court and I have sole legal custody. The Order states that father is not to pick up child from daycare. How do I enforce this?
    • Question: My girlfriend and I have two children together. I would like to gain custody of them since she has been experiencing mental health issues and cannot take care of the children.  I cannot afford a lawyer and have been told I cannot leave the state without her permission and was also told since the children's birth certificates establish I am the father and that they have my last name I can relocate with them. I can't get a straight answer !
    • Question: My ex wife and I have been divorced for 18 months and it involved two kids. Our divorce decree and final agreement is filed in Rogers County Oklahoma. I now live in Arizona and have since the separation in May of 05. This summer my son came to visit and he has been asking his mom if he could live here and she gave me written and verbal permission that he could and now he has been here for 3 months with the agreement that we would modify the final agreement and child support. He is enrolled in school and school activities and after school activities and is doing very well. She is now wanting him to come back to Oklahoma and I want to file documents to keep her from doing this........can I do it here in Arizona or does he have to be here for a certain amount of time? Where can I go to get more info on the net?
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    Child Abuse & Neglect

    • Question: While I was with my Mom at her boyfriend's house in CA, my friend and I walked in on them watching porn in the living room. They didn't hear us come in so she doesn't know that I know. I told my Dad and he is trying to decide how to handle this. I want to know (and so does my Dad) if this is reason enough for my Dad to get sole custody. Now they both have joint physical custody. Has a crime been commited and how will the courts view this event? Thank you.
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    • Question: Is it considered abandonment of my children if I moved out of the home and moved maybe 4 blocks away? I left my husband but am still with my kids everyday.
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    • Question: I married a 16-Year Old female (I was 23) last year legally with proper parental consent. I was curious to know what my guardianship/consent rights are when it comes to my spouse being served legal paperwork or court orders by anyone, including myself. She was not emmancipated before our marriage, and I've had to legally be there to sign on her behalf for reasons such as school signup and notarizing items, so I know that I have some consent.
    • Question: For the purposes of emancipation, can a minor be considered "self-sufficient" if they can rely on someone other than their parent to provide housing and financial security?
    • Question: I am 16 years old, i am no longer living in my parent's home. And they don't want me back. I don't have a job or my license but I have several places I could go if I got emancipated and be supported until i got a job. Currently I've been moving around places so it hasn't been easy getting a job. But once I get emancipated and move to where I want to be I can. How can I convince the judge that I will be fine on my own?
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    Birth Certificate

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    • Question: I am an adopted child and i ran away from my adopted parents in april of 2006. i turned 18 in aug. 2006 and now that im 18 i went back and asked for my birth certificate and my social security card but was refused to have it. im trying to get my life on track and i cant get a job with out my social security card, so what should i do.
    • Question: I had my daughter 2 months ago and allowed my, then boyfriend, to sign stating that he was the baby's father. His name is on the birth certificate but we have since found out that he is not the baby's father. What do I have to do to get his name off the birth certificate now. We are no longer together and the biologicial father wants to be on the birth certificate. What do I have to do?
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    • Question: My Son fathered 2 children with a lady who was married to someone else at the time of birth.She listed her husband as the father on the birth certificate. She was killed in an accident recently and was still legally married at the time , but had been seperated from her husband and lived with my son for 5 years.Her husband and her had filled out & had notarized a from called voluntary paternity , but never listed my son as the father , he did aknowledge he was not the father.My son had dna test done and they do show he is the biological father.How does he get the name changed on the birth certficate.He has the children , that is not an issue , just want to make sure all is legal in the eyes of the courts/state.How do we proceed ?
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    • Question: I am looking to give my unborn child up for adoption to my uncle and his wife in another state. What steps do we need to take with the least amount of legal expenses on both our ends?
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    • Question: i dont get to see my grandson he is almost 3 and I've only seen him mabe 10 times what can i do to get visitation?
    • Question: I gave revocable guardianship to my mom when I moved out of state so the kids could finish that school year and I started my new job. Now that I have petitioned to revoke guardianship, she is suing me for custody. I am so far and not sure how to handle this.
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    • Question: How does my daughter whos children I have custody of,file a petition to regain custody of her children
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    Parental Rights & Obligations

    • Question: What are Conciliation Services?
    • Question: Where can I find curfew laws?
    • Question: do I lose my rights to my child if a grandparent is apointed permanent guardian?
    • Question: I am divorced and my ex took my children out of the state of arizona. She didnt give written notice of this and she lied to me and the children that she was moving some where else in the state what can I do to get my children back???
    • Question: While I was with my Mom at her boyfriend's house in CA, my friend and I walked in on them watching porn in the living room. They didn't hear us come in so she doesn't know that I know. I told my Dad and he is trying to decide how to handle this. I want to know (and so does my Dad) if this is reason enough for my Dad to get sole custody. Now they both have joint physical custody. Has a crime been commited and how will the courts view this event? Thank you.
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    • Question: How old do you have to be to get a job in Peoria, Arizona and/or Phoenix, Arizona
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    • Question: My finance is being threatened with termination of her job, harrassed ever since she had obtained a FMLA for her daughter's condition. There are things that have been said to to her in meetings with her boss and she needs to know if she can legally record those conversations without her boss knowing as proof of harrassment?
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    Family Medical Leave Act

    • Question: What is the Family and Medical Leave Act?
    • Question: What if my employer does not believe my reason for the leave?
    • Question: What if my employer does not believe my doctor?
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    • Question: I was fired from my job. Prior to the firing I had asked the Director to investigate issues of abuse by the Managers towards the Latina and African American staff. I know that my firing was due to this. Do I have any recourse?
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    • Question: When is it NOT LEGAL to terminate an employee; i.e., what are the grounds for termination of employment that the law prohibits?
    • Question: I was fired for reporting a crime and do not have money for an attorney. What is the process in order to file a case myself.
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    Forms and Letters: Work

    • Question: I am currently working for a company, but I want to get a better job.I received a call from one place that would have given me more money, allowed me to go to school, and it even offered medical benefits, which I really need since I currently have none.I was supposed to start the following Tuesday, but unfortunatley my current boss did not want me to go and called the place I was pursuing and said some unappropriate things about me.What can I do
    • Question: My husband and I recently had $40,000 stolen out of his 401K due to identity theft. The company is saying they are not responsible since the party had access to our SS# and pin#. Can they do this? We gave them a LOT of pertinetn information in order to go after the person but they said there is nothing they can do? They said we'd have to hire our own lawyer. Who do we contact???
    • Question: What exactly are the laws for minors of the age of 16 working in the state of Arizona?
    • Question: is there a statue of limitations on getting pulled over for expired vehicle registration and having illegal drugs on you in phoenix az. I went to a task program for 6 months and the case was dismissed. My job is trying to firing for a code of conduct violation on this from 9 years ago, its like they are fishing.
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    • Question: Where to I apply for unemployment benefits? I moved to Pinal County 4 monthas ago. Prior to that I was in Maricopa County for over 20 years?
    • Question: I had heard that if you receive 3 consecutive days off (of your scheduled 5 days), you can qualify for Unemployment Compensation. I am a full time employee and am averaging 1-2 days a week. Can I qualify?
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    • Question: If I feel I earned more than I was paid, is there a government organization I can call to confirm that?
    • Question: What are my rights to wage claims after being terminated by an employer?
    • Question: I want to file a Civil Action Lawsuit against my former employer for unpaid wages. I'm owed $1323.00. Can I do this on my own or do I need an attorney?
    • Question: I am considered an employee, receiving pay for piece work completed. Is my employer required to pay me weekly, monthly or what? Where can I find more information on piece work/employee status?
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    • Question: I work in sales with commissions and might be changing jobs. Will I be due the commissions from my old job?
    • Question: ive been working as a delivery driver for the same company for 6 yrs. now. is it true that they have to give me 2 weeks paid vacation by law? they currently only give me 7 days.
    • Question: I work retail and the local union is calling for a strike. I'm not in the union, but I'm covered under the healthcare and the union rep is telling me I can be fined if I cross a picket line to work. Is this true?
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    • Question: My landlord is trying to evict us for non-payment of rent. I called her and offered to pay her rent through a charity. She refused it and said that she does not accept rent from charities.  Can I use this as a defense?
    • Question: We are being evicted, our landlord served us three papers, each of which stated a different reason for eviction, loudness, smoking, non-payment of rent etc. Do her statements have to be consistent with one another? If so, can I use her inconsistency as a defence in court?
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    • Question: If both parties names are on the house if one party stops paying am I responsible for all of it.
    • Question: If my spouse bought a home that is most likely going into foreclosure. I was not involved in any way for the purchase of this property nor am I on the title. I do however pay the mortgage on this property. If this goes to foreclosure, can the lender come after me for any reason?
    • Question: We had a house go to foreclosure and the lender ended up selling it. Now the bank of the second mortgage is trying to sue us for the deficiancy. the lot is less than 2.5 acres & house is single family. Can they do this or does this violate ARS title 33?
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    Forms and Letters: Housing

    • Question: Dear Sir or Madam Where can I find a simple form for an agreement to rent an apartment? I am a senior citizen, 81. I need to have a formal agreement with my son , who is a disabled veteran. Forms that I found are very complicated and full of legalese . If you could send me to a website I would greatly appreciate it.I am in Yavapai County Thank you in advance . Barbara Golian
    • Question: my father pass away in 2008 he was the one who took care of the bill and finaces for the house my mother and father both retired but my father went back to work after 70 and rebuild the house 2006 and 2007 katrena, my stayed home a way after my father died my had stroke after stroke, dementia, she couldn't remember to pay her bill well i have been taken care of her for seven years she pass 2014 aug. now i have been going back and forth with jp morgan comp. chase bank. to due a remodifaction loan, now i have a letter sayingthe loan has been paid i have to get my own insurance the will not insur
    • Question: I am not sure if this is the correct category but. Here it goes. I moved into a house with a shared well for 5 properties. One house is not built still. When w moved in we were paying into the well fund. We wanted to see the account and they refused so we stopped paying. We asked the neighbors and they said not to because no one was and when the current well fund was gone we would start a new one. The other three houses lived there for 3 years before us. When the now well fund was started they said we owed back payments for 30 months at 50 a month. I did pay 800 of it
    • Question: Can a tenant kick another tenant out of your house with the restraining order
    • Question: My landlord says I owe money($1.78) but refuses to show me my ledger!!! Insanity hit a new low or should I say high..... this has been going on for months
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    • Question: What are the qualifications for Section 8 housing?
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    • Question: I'm dealing with an illegal lockout, I reside in a nycha housing with my 83 yr old father and I have 4 people living in my house that's not on the lease. They locked my out from my residence and been taking my dads money, me and my dad are the only 2 that are on the lease.. A friend of mine told me I needed to go to housing court and I did that on 3/6/2015 the judge ruled in my favor, but when one of the occupants that are living in my apartment went and filed a partition against me of an order if protection stating I threatened my father and I can't be in the household.
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    • Question: When my husband and I were in the process of being approved for an apartment we were told that we each needed to prove that we had income. My husbands income was enough to cover the requirments, but I needed to have income in case my husband left me. We were able to get into the apartment because I have a very small income from working at home. I am worried that this will come up again when we move to a new apartment. Is this discrimination against families with stay-at-home moms?
    • Question: Are landlords allowed to park across the street and watch a unit at 2:30am ? only to later use what he or she saw as evidence in an informal hearing to terminate a tenant?
    • Question: Can the hoa stop a renter to rent to renter who is on section 8,
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    Landlord and Tenant Rights and Responsibilities

    • Question: the landlord was notified that our cooler wasn't working and has still done nothinbg. for two weeks we had to sleep outside because the house was between 115 and 122 degrees inside. now they say the cooler is fine pay the rent. what can i do?
    • Question: I just signed another year lease. My company is moving the office to another state, so I'm losing my job. I was told I could get out of my lease. Can I get a letter from my company stating they are moving the office out of state (more that 50 miles) and present it to the landlord, and they will have to let me out of my lease, she said this is Az. law. Is this True?
    • Question: Our landlord overlooked a 4% increase in rent over the past two years and has issued an invoice for the past amount. Keep in mind he has issued invoices each month in an amount which we paid. Is the landlord allowed to charge an amt greater than the monthly invoices (ratification).
    • Question: Recently in my apartment the refrigerator went out andwas repaired by a repair man the manager sent over and the repairman stated that for me to write out a list of food that was lost and take to the office.this was done and I also sign the paper stating that this in fact did happen.the manager stated that under normal situation the landlord is not responsible for the food that was lost,but because the repairman stated that he would make sure I would get paid for food lost.I would have to take this up with my insurance (Renter's insurance) about $75-100 worth of groceries.The manager has offered to deduct $75 dollars off of rent for the following month,and i agreed to this. The question is am I to be responsible for food that was lost ,when the appliance came with the apartment?this is not the first time this has happen to me.should I contact my insurance company regarding this issue?
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    Landlord and Tenant - Mobile Home Parks

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    • Question: How do I find out how much taxes are owed on a property?
    • Question: I am considering buying a house in Mesa, and looked on the Maricopa County Recorder website fnd see that the owner is listed as a conservator with ownership with minor children as conservatorship. What does this mean? Does this mean minors can own property in AZ?
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    • Question: My question is directed at the lemon law. My vehicle manufacture has agreed to buy back my vehicle after several unsuccessful repair attempts. They did a mileage use deduction on their offer and I am trying to find out what the formulation is for the figure they gave me. I have chekced the ARS and can not find it in title 44.
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    Contracts, Warranties, Buying Tips

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    • Question: My late husband suffered from Alzheimer's Disease when he borrowed money and signed documents that deeded his home to another person. That person refuses to return title of the home to my late husband's estate even though the loan was paid off in full. What are my rights?
    • Question: I have a vehicle that is still under factory warrenty. I had problems with the Key, brought it to the dealership, they told me since I had a after market alarm installed (Over a year ago, that never caused problems to the vehicle) It voided my warrenty. They never gave me any kind of proof showing that my alarm was the cause of the problem. I then had to pay out of pocket and feel scammed. Does aftermarket stuff void warrenties?
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    Credit and Credit Reports

    • Question: I have been served papers from an Atty's office that I've never heard off, from a Company they're representing, that again I've never heard of stating that I had a Visa card from US Bank, and again I've never have had one, and also they used my nickname, which I would never open a credit card with that name, now, they're suing me for 2,800 and Im not sure where to go from here...I can't afford much for an attorney.
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    • Question: I am being sued for a past credit card debt from 2002. What is the statute of limitations for collection and can the new creditor garnish my wages?
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    • Question: I owe a debt to a creditor for medical expenses. The creditor has increased the debt by charging me a penalty for not paying on time. Is this legal? Are all late fees penalties?
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    • Question: I purchased a home a couple of years ago and I want to register a Home Stead declaration, as I spoke to the Escrow company they mentioned that I did not have to do the declaration any more, that I was covered under the home stead decl. automaticaly, is that true?
    • Question: what can I do if my house went on foreclosure 2 years ago? how can it affect me and my family want to rent a place to live?
    • Question: Can a homeowner successfully negotiate a loan remodification with its lender or should they consult an attorney?
    • Question: My husband may receive IOU's instead of paychecks in the next month or two. Do mortgage companies offer a temporary forebearance on our loan during the time he doesn't receive a paycheck? We are current on our home but will not be able to make payments if he does not receive a paycheck.
    • Question: My ex-husband past away and had not taken my name off the escrow loan, he left no will and we have an adult daughter, now the loan company is after me for the payments. If I pay the loan does the house belong to me.
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    Forms and Letters: Your Money

    • Question: My dad withheld and lied about a paper I signed to gain cess and take my investment money. it's been 9 years and he refuses to give it back and I suspect he uses it for personal use. What can I do to get it back.
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    • Question: I co signed on a car for my ex boyfriend.We broke up few weeks later then said he could not pay for the car so I took over the payments. Now he wants the car back but the car company will not take my name off of the loan even though my ex is willing to sign off.Refinancing is not an option because the loan is more than the car is worth. Is their some legal process to get my name removed? I do not want the risk of him ruining my credit.
    • Question: I got a loan in my name for a vehicle and my friend was supposed to make payments on it. She hasnt made payments in 20 months. I want to go and get it because i have to pay now. How could i do that legally. because its on her property and the police said i cannot take it because we had a verbal agreement that if she paid every month she could keep it. But the title is in my name and the plates and the loan also.
    • Question: I started Beauty School in Sept 07, I was 17 at the time.The school had me sign for the loan without a co-signer. My parents filled out the paper for the Pell Grant and wanted to pay so much monthly. The school said I had to have a Subsidized Stafford loan to get the Pell Grant.Am I responsible for the loan? Since I was told afterwards that it was not a legal binding contract due to my age and that neither one of my parents co-signed on it?
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    Used Automobile Buying Tips

    • Question: Are verbal contracts a legal contract? Was buying a car from a friend, car title & registration left in friends name, insurance in my name, never late on a payment, friend sold car out from under me, I had put alot of money into the car. Is there anything I can do? The law officer that came when car was taken said I could file a civel law case, is this true?
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    • Question: My friend went to look at a used vehicle that was for sale by owner. My friend on owner verbally agreed to an amount...although no cash was exchanged at the time, the owner partially filled out a Bill of Sale from the internet. The owenr later called and told my friend that he had sold the car to someone else for more money. Does my friend have a casee?
    • Question: I am 17 can I get a car under my name ?
    • Question: Can a used car dealer sell a vehicle in Arizona that has not passed emissions in the the state of Arizona?
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    Debtor Help

    • Question: how do I apply online to receive community legal services in Kingman,Az
    • Question: I was informed of trustee sale to take place 06/2008 on my home in Florence, AZ. My Husband and I decided it was best to vacate the home with our family before the sale. We filed Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in 2011 and included the home and HOA. We received a letter from an attorney, suing us for HOA dues, post bankruptcy. Wouldn't it already be considered foreclosed from the notified date of sale, even if it was postponed?
    • Question: I am taking a corporation to small claims court. does that mean their statutory agent is part of the defendence ? I will have to compete with a lawyer ?
    • Question: My grandson was killed he had no estate what shall I do with his bills that keep coming
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    Creditor Help

    • Question: I need to file documents to obtain a dbetors exam as I have a recorded judgeement and I need for find additional assets that debtor has hidden from me and the State of Az. Thnaks
    • Question: can a out of state creditor file small claims collection case on his place of residence against debtor residing in arizona?
    • Question: i am trying to collect a debt from an arizona resident debtor said he will do bussines where can i find information about his bussines lisence?
    • Question: I just one a judgement in small claims court, how can I go about collecting the judgement?
    • Question: I received a summons for something I am unsure what it is about. The penalty codes for the summons are as followed ;J.C.R.C.P. 104(a) A.R.S. 25-215(B) and A.R.S 12-341 please help me to understand what the heck is going on.
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    Courts, Legal Basics

    • Question: How do I serve my wife with divorce papers.
    • Question: Are verbal contracts a legal contract? Was buying a car from a friend, car title & registration left in friends name, insurance in my name, never late on a payment, friend sold car out from under me, I had put alot of money into the car. Is there anything I can do? The law officer that came when car was taken said I could file a civel law case, is this true?
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    • Question: How do I get my file \case number?
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Your Rights

    Civil Rights, Discrimination, Hate Crimes

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    • Question: my boyfriend has to go to court for a dui and since we can't afford an attorney, the judge is making him defend himself and hasn't appointed him a state defender. can he do this? isn't it in your rights that if you can't afford an attorney one will be appointed to you?
    • Question: i was told that i owed money for a bad check on a car.. but i was never served court papers and the car was taken away.. what are my options?
    • Question: me and my husband we have a retricted order against my husbands exwife. She's not aloud to call us or to come near our bussiness or home due to the fact that she and her family used to call and call me names and threaten me when i was pregnant . She's aloud only to comunicate with my husband through email regarding their kids.Now she start calling my husband again calling me a stripper and telling to everybody thisplus other bad names,What can i
    • Question: I was convicted of felony dui 10 years ago can I get my rights back
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    Discrimination on the Job

    • Question: I hired into a company through a temp agency, this company hires only the white people into their company and puts all of the blacks in a separate room, and they also take jobs from black to give to whites and omit the deficult parts to make easy for them, but would not do this for the blacks, what is my recourse.
    • Question: I just have one question. A week ago my supervisior came to the job site on Sunday and he was clearly under the influence. He made a comment to me that someone needs to be fired and that this is not Poland where you ride donkeys and play Mickey Mouse games. Yes I am Polish and this just rubbed me the wrong way. I just want to know if I have a chance to file a case against the employer?
    • Question: I was recently laid off work as a biomedical technican, allegedly for "reduction in force" needs. I suspect that my selection for dismissal was primarily based on my age (44yo), as a recently highed 22yo female technician was retained despite having almost no experience and still being trained. I can't afford high lawyer consult fees so what can I do to determine if I have a valid claim?
    • Question: How many employees must an employer have to fall under Arizona's age discrimination laws
    • Question: I have been employed at the same job for 9 years. Can my employer ask my age? Ask if I'm going to retire? Ask if I filed for Social Security? Ask how much I will be receiving every month then cut my hours from 40 per week to 24 per week? Tell me my job is guaranteed to the end of the year and then it depends if he will keep me. I have over 24 years experience and he was going to lay me off and keep the person in their 30's who has 5 years experience because they made $6,000 less than me. Can he do this since I'm a senior citizen?
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    • Question: What if Medicaid continually refuses to diagnose a medical condition that Medicare covers? Should Medicaid follow Medicare LCD's? I have Medicare FFS and Medicaid.
    • Question: Does AHCCCS only pay for Breast Cancer treatment in designated clinics and hospitals. I was reading the article in the Wall Street Joural about the woman who was caught up in the health care system. I want to know if a person making $15,000 a year with no insurance would be turned down for help if she applied to our AHCCCS.
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    • Question: I would like to know what is the most money you can earn to qualify for food stamps. I earn about 100.00 a week plus 200.00 a month from social security. Do I qualify.
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    • Question: Can someone who is suing me in small claims court have my SSI/DES benefits garnished?
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    • Question: What about lemon laws in AZ for used cars? My rights.
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    Planning Ahead

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    • Question: My late husband suffered from Alzheimer's Disease when he borrowed money and signed documents that deeded his home to another person. That person refuses to return title of the home to my late husband's estate even though the loan was paid off in full. What are my rights?
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    • Question: I have a 62 year old mother with dementia. My dad is looking for assisted living homes for her. Does he need a HIPAA and POA to access medical records on his own, and make decisions for her? They are married.
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    • Question: How can I defend myself professionally on a Summons that was delivered to me?It states on there I have within 20 days to defend myself. And its states that i pay for the filing fee. Do I have to pay it?
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Protection from Abuse

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    • Question: I was recently in a relationship with a guy who was verbally and emotionally abusive. We were living together for about 3 months and he was always yelling at me and I was getting very scared. After he held me inside our apartment and refused to let me leave I finally got out and moved out. I tried to keep things civil. He moved to out of state but he says he will come back. He calls the house I am staying at several times a day.  He breaks into my emails and talks to my friends. He threatens me and he gets very angry at times and calls me and says he will do stuff to me and he will do stuff to my friends . I was wondering what I could do. I am very stressed out and scared and I feel like it is getting worse and I need a solution. I looked up about an order of protection but Im not sure where to go and how to do it. Id like to stop him from contacting me, my family, and my friends. I feel that he may be emotionally unstable and have issues that could turn to violence. He says he is coming back to Arizona and I just want to protect myself, my family, and my friends.
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Life & Estate Planning

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    • Question: What makes a Will valid in the state of Arizona
    • Question: I am personal representive of my mother's estate in Nebraska. My brother who is 44 moved in with my mom 4 years ago and never left. Now she has passed and has several thousand dollars in debt and the house and contents need to sold ASAP and he won't leave, how do I get him out and how long will this take? He has not paid her anything in the 4 years to live there, he's basically just squating.
    • Question: My father recently moved to AZ; however, his Will was written (through an Attorney) while he was living in the state of Washington. Is his Will legal in AZ? Is there anything further he needs to do?
    • Question: How would I locate a will that was made in 1992 for my father that he and two witnesses signed as well as signed and stamped by a notary public there was also one made for my mother identical to his I able to find the original for my mother but only am able to find a copy of my fathers. I need to know if there's any way to locate his since they were both made at the same time. Both of my parents have passed away I only had a copy and was told I would need the ordinal copy to claim it can anyone help? Need info ASAP .any info would be great and a big help.
    • Question: my mother passed away in brother was named personal representative in her's going on 100 days since her death.i've had a lot of problems with my brother on settling the estate.i would like to know if property listed in the will to be devided equaly to my brother and myself can be counted as assets possably used to pay bills of the estate.also how long does a personal representative have to settle an estate and what are my options if this matter is not resolved soon.thank youfor your help
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    • Question: I had my first day of my divorce trial today and my attorney was not competent at all. I dont want her representing me tomorrow. Can I fire her and ask for a continuence so that I can get proper represention at this late date or at the very least represent myself tomorrow? How do I do that?
    • Question: Is there an easy to use search engine to search court cases I may be able to reference. I am self-represented.
    • Question: I was awarded a judgement on attorneys fees, respondent refuses to pay, he is self employed and sometimes gets paid in cash, so I can't garnish what can I do to get paid. He owes more than $30,000, please help!
    • Question: My husband was previously married in Puerto Rico and divorced there as well from his ex wife. Our previous visit at the legal office on post verified whether or not the ex spouse is entitled to any percentage of his retirement. The information given to us is that she is not entitled to any retirement when it occurs due to haven been married in Puerto Rico. We just want to confirm is this is certain? Thank you
    • Question: I am currently active duty 19 years. Divorced 2 years ago. Spouse is eligible for a share of my retirement. However the decree states I must begin to pay her share of my retirement beginning the month I am eligible to retire. It was based of a % share. No lawyer or my military office can give me how much that share is in dollars they tell me they will know when I retire. How can I pay her monthly when no one knows the amount until I retire? Is it even Legal that I have to pay her retirement if I haven’t retired? Did I not get good representation?
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    • Question: I received two tickets today for my kids not being in car seats because I had just washed them and was waiting for them to dry. I have the cars seats how do I prove to the courts that I have one.
    • Question: My mother charged my boyfriend with custodial interference. I do not want the chargers . He already went to jail twice over it. We go back to court this week. I am now 18. Not living with my mother and have no contact with her. How do I get the case dismissed?
    • Question: I am a 15 year old father and wanting to know if I will be drug tested after the baby is born at the hospital. They have drug tested the mother 4 times. She is clean she is an angel but I do smoke some pot and am concerned
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    Family Law

    • Question: How do I file an amendment to my response for custody and child support, I would like to add that i want to discuss arrearages of child support and 1/2 med exp owed by father.
    • Question: My step son is 15. He has been with us for 16 months without seeing his biological mother. My husband is getting deployed in 2 weeks again, our son does not want to go back to mom being she has put him through alot. Does he have the right to tell a judge that and stay with me while dad is gone? What do we have to do legally to keep him home?
    • Question: Is it true that you can motion to have a Commissioner replaced by a Judge, I've heard that the Judge is a elected official and a Commissioner is appointed by a Judge, since the Judge is elected by the people (me), don't I have that right?
    • Question: Does Arizona recognize marriages performed in other countries? ie: my husband and I were married in the Philippines 7 years ago. Last year he married a woman in Tucson, without divorsing me. Indeed, he never did tell me about his other marriage until I saw it in the public records last week!
    • Question: My ex has decided that he would like to relinquish his parental rights. When we go to court and the judge allows this (he's been out of the picture for 10 yrs) will the child's last name change right then, will it go to my maiden name? I'm not sure who to ask any of these questions to?
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    Domestic Violence

    • Question: If someone was charged with domestic violence but then the charges were dismissed, can that person go to law school and become a lawyer?
    • Question: I was convicted of DV Agg. Assault w/ a Deadly Weapon in 2001. I served 3.5 yrs. for this crime. I was under the influence of drugs/alcohol at the time, and also going thru a bitter divorce suit. I am wondering if there is any way I can get my gun rights restored? I am not planning on going hunting, or shooting someone, but with the crime rate escalating due to the economy staggering, I would NOT want to be sentenced to prison for protecting my own life as a prohibited possessor. What, if any, steps do I need to take to attempt to restore my rights. Thank You for you time !!!
    • Question: Can my ex-husband be arrested for stealing my mail?
    • Question: I am living with my fiancee. I owe him 2400 for things he purchased for me including a car. The situatin at home has gotten to where I no longer want to be there. He signed and agreement with me saying I would pay him back $100 per paycheck until monies were paid. I would like to leave asap from his home with my child and take the car. He holds the title in his name. Can I legally leave with the car since it is not paid off yet. The agreement was not notorized
    • Question: I am divorced. My ex-husband commeted domestic violence when we were married a couple of times. Now, his new wife and him are picking on our 15 year old daughter. His new wife has threatened her with bodily harm as well as verbally abusing her. I don't know if this is child abuse, harassment, or domestic violence. What should I do?
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    Public Benefits

    • Question: i filed fair hearing request on oct 10 via upload to healthearizona des did not submit it til nov 15th should i file another one for untimeliness processing my fair hearing request
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    • Question: I just found out the person I married 6 yrs., ago is wanted in Mexico for attempted murder, she uses a false identity, our marriage may not be legal, she is a fraud and only married me for Immagration purposes. I went to immigration for assistance and guidance and they took the complaint but showed very little concern. I am told I should file for an annulment but I need an attorney do take care of the paperwork and file with the court. I need a domestic attorney, I dont have much funds, she has taken everything and left me in a poor financial state. Can someone recommend an attorney.....
    • Question: Hi, I am a graduate student who just completed my PhD in Neuroscience. I recently received my first ever speeding ticket in Arizona for excessive speeding. It is called a criminal speeding ticket. I have an otherwise clean driving record. The speeding ticket was issued at a moment of non focus and I was not consistently driving at the high speed. I cannot afford to hire a lawyer and am worried about a conviction. Also, I live out of state and am applying for permanent residency. Can you adivse me about pleading guilty to such a charge or help with hiring an attorney.
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    • Question: under a civil judgement, as the appeal process is pending , do you have to pay the fine?
    • Question: My apt. was flooded by the septic, raw sewage came out in my 2 bathrooms shower/tub. carpets soaked. I was not home at time, my children had noticed the problem, the neighbor contacted the management,her apt. was also flooded; when I arrived home and called it was after office hours; I contacted the build. maint. I told them we are not staying, we needed to be placed elsewhere, he talked with management, they gave us a 1 bdrm apt. myself and mother are both disabled. Is this not biohazard?? toxic? shouldnt the carpets be replaced? WHAT ARE MY RIGHTS?
    • Question: how to begin a discrimination suit on property management of mobile home park i live in (families with children and disabled). Buckeye az.
    • Question: We just moved in a month ago to our first apt and we have a pitbull and boxer mix and we disclosed that info on day one. The lady we talked to the first day said it wouldnt be a problem and the just put in boxer for the breed. Fastforward to a day ago we get a notice saying that there was a complaint that we had a pitbull and they are not allowed at my apt complex. I went to the office sayong there was clearly a mistake but no she gave me a ten day notice to get rid of my dog or give 30 days notice of us wanting to move out. I read over the lease agreement and the pet addendum and there is nothing about breed restrictions or pitbulls. Who is in the wrong and where do I stand legally?
    • Question: I was discharge from bankruptcy chapter 13 in march of 2013. the main purpose was to keep my home which I owed $1,300. at the time of my bankruptcy in 2009 I had quantum servicing as my servicer. and as 8-2013 I have statebridge. they say that I am behind on my payments as of 1-2012 because thats how quantum gave them my account. my trustee paid quantum in 2010 the $1,300 how can they say I owe money. I have been trying to get a hold of quantum to have them explain the situation with no luck. now im in foreclosure again. I know something illegal is going on with the servicing companies,but I
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    • Question: I have received tax bill from the IRS for $630 plus charges of $284 from 2011 I have no money except my SS- $725 plus food stamps and cannot pay and I am just over a bout of throat cancer treatment and can not work or add to my income so find it impossible to pay the tax and the penalty can you point me to some one who can help me.
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    • Question: in 2013 was bit by two bit bulls. filed a claim with there insurance company. 2009 home owner died. son was making home owners insurance payment. its been almost a year since i made this claim now im getting the run around saying they didn't know that the home owner was dead. do they still have to pay out on my claim? how long do they have to pay on the claim?
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    • Question: My child was given another childs bottle at the daycare/gym after which he contracted an illness. This resulted in a $1200 bill. The daycare/gym needs to be responsible for this. I am needing guidance on how to file a claim against them to have them pay this or re emburse me. They are ignoring me.
    • Question: Last night I rented a room at the Friendship Inn and paid for 4 nights. The room was filthy. In the middle of the night I saw every species of insect know to man walking around. I have checked out, but they refused to give me back the rest of the money for the unused nights. What can I do?
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    • Question: How may I obtain an audit of payments that I have made to the Department Of Veterans Affairs Debt Management Center. I have been having paying these people for apporx. 30 years. They have never stopped I have never faught them. I have been disabled for the last ten years. I am now on social security, and once again they are taking funds from a fixed income. I would like to get a full audit from 2005 forward. What can I do? One other thing they took funds from me while I was on V.A. pension.
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    • Question: If i did a commercial for a company and told them not to air it until i have looked over it and approved it without airing it and they aired it anyway without me viewing it or approving it do i have a law suit.
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    • Question: I recently found out a ex friend of mine has six different aliases for a name and uses two different names to go into hospitals to claim illnesses like cancer to get medications what would her penalty be if I turned her in, we're would I turn her in
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    • Question: I'm 17 and my dad took my car away. Yes, he bought the car and paid off the insurance but the car is under my name. He got cocky with me last night and threatened to sell my car but its under MY NAME. What are my rights, can I take him to court, or call the cops and make them make him give me the keys ?
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  • My ex wife and I are legally divorced and in our divorce decree it states for hee to restore her maiden name. But she still hasn't done it yet, what do I do??
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  • I am concerned that my landlord did not follow the law in the Landlord Tenant Act (section 33-1321) concerning Landlord Obligations for security deposits. The law says “Within 14 days after termination of tenancy…the tenant shall be provided an itemized list of all deductions…” I received an itemized list of repairs within 14 days but there were no dollar amounts showing what would be deducted from my deposit. 54 days later, they provided an itemized list with deductions. The law does not say only provide an itemized list of repairs. The law says provide an itemized list of repairs WITH deductions. Since they did not provide the dollar amount of deductions within 14 days, did they violate the law? If yes, what do I do?
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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program