Bill of Rights

The first 10 Amendments to the US Constitution

Amendment 1 - Freedom of Religion, Speech, Press, Assembly and Petition ...
Amendment 2 - Freedom of Milita and to bear arms ...
Amendment 3 - Quartering Soldiers in a person's house ...
Amendment 4 - Security from unwarranted search and seizure ...
Amendment 5 - Freedom for Life, Liberty and Property ...
Amendment 6 - Criminal cases and rights of accused persons ...
Amendment 7 - Common law and trial by jury in civil cases ...
Amendment 8 - Bail, excessive fines, cruel and unusual punishment ...
Amendment 9 - Other rights of the people ...
Amendment 10 - Powers reserved to the states ...

The U.S. Constitution

Article 1 Section 1: All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of ...
Article 1 Section 2: The House of Representatives shall be composed of members chosen every ...
Article 1 Section 3: The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from ...
Article 1 Section 4: The times, places and manner of holding elections for Senators and Rep ...
Article 1 Section 5: Each House shall be the judge of the elections, returns and qualificat ...
Article 1 Section 6: The Senators and Representatives shall receive a compensation for thei ...
Article 1 Section 7: All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Represen ...
Article 1 Section 8: The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, impost ...
Article 1 Section 9: The migration or importation of such persons as any of the states now ...
Article 1 Section 10: No state shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or confederation; gran ...
Article 2 Section 1: The executive power shall be vested in a President of the United State ...
Article 2 Section 2: The President shall be commander in chief of the Army and Navy of the ...
Article 2 Section 3: He shall from time to time give to the Congress information of the sta ...
Article 2 Section 4: The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United Sta ...
Article 3 Section 1: The judicial power of the United States, shall be vested in one Suprem ...
Article 3 Section 2: The judicial power shall extend to all cases, in law and equity, arisi ...
Article 3 Section 3: Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war a ...
Article 4 Section 1: Full faith and credit shall be given in each state to the public acts, ...
Article 4 Section 2: The citizens of each state shall be entitled to all privileges and imm ...
Article 4 Section 3: New states may be admitted by the Congress into this union; but no new ...
Article 4 Section 4: The United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a repub ...
Article 5 Section 1: The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessa ...
Article 6 Section 1: All debts contracted and engagements entered into, before the adoption ...
Article 7 Section 1: The ratification of the conventions of nine states, shall be sufficien ...

The 27 Amendments to the US Constitution

Amendment 1 - Freedom of Religion, Speech, Press, Assembly and Petition ...
Amendment 2 - Freedom of Milita and to bear arms ...
Amendment 3 - Quartering Soldiers in a person's house ...
Amendment 4 - Security from unwarranted search and seizure ...
Amendment 5 - Freedom for Life, Liberty and Property ...
Amendment 6 - Criminal cases and rights of accused persons ...
Amendment 7 - Common law and trial by jury in civil cases ...
Amendment 8 - Bail, excessive fines, cruel and unusual punishment ...
Amendment 9 - Other rights of the people ...
Amendment 10 - Powers reserved to the states ...
Amendment 11 - Restriction of Judicial power ...
Amendment 12 - Presidential Electors ...
Amendment 13 - Abolition of slavery ...
Amendment 14 - Citizenship, Congressional apportionment, insurrection, public debt ...
Amendment 15 - Right to vote guarenteed regardless of race ...
Amendment 16 - Income Tax ...
Amendment 17 - Senators -- How elected and how vacancies are filled ...
Amendment 18 - National alcohol prohibition ...
Amendment 19 - Women's right to vote guarenteed ...
Amendment 20 - Change of Inaugral date, expiration of terms, times for congress to assemble ...
Amendment 21 - Repeal of alcohol prohibition ...
Amendment 22 - Presidents limited to serving two terms ...
Amendment 23 - Appointment of electors for the District of Columbia ...
Amendment 24 - Elimination of poll tax or other taxes as a requirement for voting ...
Amendment 25 - Presidential Succession ...
Amendment 26 - Right to vote for 18, 19 and 20 year olds ...
Amendment 27 - Congressional pay raises ...


  • We have MAJOR problens in my apartment complex, so we are moving this first or second week of the month. It is now the 6th and I have NOT been given a 5 day pay or quit even tho the landlord told me her boss wants us evicted. I'm mostly worried they will lock us out, but that seems illegal. Can I assume Im allowed to stay here for the month since no 5 days to pay or quit has been given? What should I expect?
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  • I and my daughter have not seen my husband in 5 years. She is 6. He was abusive but never arrested because he was good at abusing without leaving marks and lying. He has taken steps to hide his whereabouts and stated that if he had to pay child support he would take custody. I have been with my current fiancé for about 3 years and he would like to adopt her. Can he do that before the divorce?
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  • We have MAJOR problens in my apartment complex, so we are moving this first or second week of the month. It is now the 6th and I have NOT been given a 5 day pay or quit even tho the landlord told me her boss wants us evicted. I'm mostly worried they will lock us out, but that seems illegal. Can I assume Im allowed to stay here for the month since no 5 days to pay or quit has been given? What should I expect?
  • How much time do I need to give when requesting modification of child support when one lives out of state
  • I never signed a lease and now the landlord is trying to evict me. Can they?
  • After being fired from my job I began collecting unemployment. Now they are fighting it . They have not appeared for the phone hearing and now are re-appealing. How do I get help?
  • We are told a new law became effective in Jan. which requires changes to the Trust having to do with notifying beneficiaries every year of the amount of the estate and their inheritance. Is it true? The lawyer wants the full price of the trust to amend it. Can I find the law on the Internet? Is it boilerplate and easily done without using that same lawyer? Please direct me. Thank you.
  • My exhusband and his girlfriend purchased a home together. I have been refused their new address and I feel that I have the right to know where they live, in case of an emergency. What are the legal ramifications of the primary custodial parent not knowing where the children live every other weekend? Do I have that right to know?
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  • I and my daughter have not seen my husband in 5 years. She is 6. He was abusive but never arrested because he was good at abusing without leaving marks and lying. He has taken steps to hide his whereabouts and stated that if he had to pay child support he would take custody. I have been with my current fiancé for about 3 years and he would like to adopt her. Can he do that before the divorce?
  • my manager did not accept my rent on the first and told me to wait until she got back to me on monday 5 about why i had a notice certified mail from them. (never received that mail) on the 5 i get a call saying they we not going to renew my lease, i had 30 days to vacate (verbally) that night i get a notice on my door that i owe rent and late fees. I thought i was kicked out . i dont understand this process then on the 12 i receive another notice that they dont want to loose me / pay rent. i seek legal advice because i dont understand now i get an eviction notice for court HELP ?? WHY??
  • how do i put in an application online?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program