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Do you want to escape it all and take a long vacation but aren't sure how to do it? Read contributing attorney Ke Huang-Isherwood's article "Getting a Visa to Visit Another Country" and start your plan today — Read More
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Are you a savvy senior? Would you like to be? Attorney Kenneth F. Hegland breaks down some of the most complicated issues that surround us and those we love as we age. — Watch videos.
Do I have to pay my deceased mother's next months rent. She died mid month and we notified them two days after her death.
I have 3 children and all under the age of 18. I also have sole custody and my ex-husband only has visitation. He is almost $100,000 in back child support.(not sure if it matters) I am moving out of AZ and going to KY in June of this year. My question is; is there a way he can stop me from moving so far, even though the court papers state he willingly gave up his custody? Also, I am not sure who or how I notify the courts(which courts?) of our move or what paperwork to complete.
I filed an order of protection a former acquaintance. She in turn went to a different judge and filed one against me. Can she do that? I have proof of her harassment, she got hers with lies. Can I contest it?
Hi, Is the landlord responsible for paying for the water, for a mobile home?
my brother does a work to a company and he die
Okay everyone I have a question where downtown can I go to establish my parental rights over my 2 year old son,so his father could never take him from me. My son's father has been in prison for over a year a d 3 months and now h3 is out and trying to give me a schedule on how we should share our son and I feel with his drug use and past I don't feel comfortable with agreeing with him on his schedule besides I believe since I have been raising and providing for my son his entire life I should have the say of how the schedule should be.
I am obligated to indefinately pay spousal support, which I do not have the money for. The job position I was in has ended, and I am no longer in that field of work. Can the court require me to continue paying spousal support that I do not have the finances to provide?
My Son fathered 2 children with a lady who was married to someone else at the time of birth.She listed her husband as the father on the birth certificate. She was killed in an accident recently and was still legally married at the time , but had been seperated from her husband and lived with my son for 5 years.Her husband and her had filled out & had notarized a from called voluntary paternity , but never listed my son as the father , he did aknowledge he was not the father.My son had dna test done and they do show he is the biological father.How does he get the name changed on the birth certficate.He has the children , that is not an issue , just want to make sure all is legal in the eyes of the courts/state.How do we proceed ?
My minor granddaughter's father died in a car wreck in January, she was awarded the life insurance and workman's comp because it occurred on the job. Her parents were never married but my daughter retained a lawyer immediately following the accident. We are trying to move the conservatoire which is in the firms account in South Dakota to Arizona but we need an attorney here and a financial adviser group or someone that the funds will be maintained by. We don't know where to start or how and the attorney in South Dakota charges for every correspondence and confuses us. We need to talk to someon
my parental rights were severed while i was in prison. I lost at trial in april 2013 based on of the facts that I would be released in sep 2014. I was released in dec 2013. Can I get my parental rights back is there attorneys that help veterans in that area pro bono
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