Divorce & Annulment Article

Where to Find an Attorney for Specific Legal Advice

Arizona has three legal aid organizations which cover different regions of the state.

  1. Community Legal Services (800) 852-9075 covers Maricopa, Mohave, Yavapai, Yuma and LaPaz Counties.
  2. Southern Arizona Legal Aid (800) 640-9465 covers southern Arizona.
  3. DNA People’s Legal Services (800) 789-7287 covers northern Arizona.

All legal service programs in Arizona differ, and their criteria for accepting cases vary. The legal aid organizations above all have the same criteria of income restrictions and legal status requirements, but do have varying priorities.

To find out about more Arizona resources that may be able to assist you, you can contact LegalLEARN, Legal Information & Resources at (866) 637-5341.

Individuals may apply for free and reduced fee legal services by using the "Access To Justice Online Intake System" through AZLawHelp. 

If the legal services program in your area cannot assist you, you may be able to find a lawyer through lawyer referral services in Maricopa County (602) 257-4434 or Pima County (520) 623-4625.

The State Bar also maintains a listing of all Arizona attorneys on their website, and certifies “specialists” in eight legal areas. (Not all attorneys seek such certification, however.) Lists of specialists can also be found at the State Bar of Arizona’s website.



  • What happens if my husband or spouse refuses to sign the divorce papers?
  • Divorce decree states my ex is to pay half of a credit card bill either in monthly payments or half of the balance. He is not paying me or the credit card company. The only payments he made were during the time we still lived together. I deducted his half of the payment from my half of the monthly bills. How can I get the court to enforce what is on the decree? Also, I no longer reside in the state of Arizona and do not have money for an attorney. Thank you.
  • My husband and I lived in Pima county, I moved out and now live in Maricopa Co. What reuirements do I have to meet to esablish residency in Maricopa so I can file for divorce here?
  • I was married in Maricopa county, can I file legal separation in navajo nation court?
  • If we own a house together, and i wanted to keep the house after thedivorce, is it possiable? I work from my home and i have paid the house payments for the past 6 years.
  • I have just gotten a divorce and my exhusband is ordered to pay back money he took from our savings account when we seperated. He says that he does not have the money and will have to make payments. He was awarded our personal property which is paid off. Can I put a lien on this title? He says he is building a home is there any other way of ensuring that I will get my money returned?
  • Filing for divorce how do I answer this question when I owned my house before we got married and we have nothing but debt shared? How do you request that the court divide the community, joint and common property between you and your spouse?
  • my husband walked out on me a week after we found out i was pregnant. we had bought a car together and he let his dad put the title in his name without me knowing and a week after we found out i was pregnant he left? what can i do and can i get an annulment?
  • My son was married for 10 years. She always wanted to be the one bringing in all the money. My son was given an allowance. She makes close to 60,000 a year and basically told my son to get a job the last year. He couldn't find one and she decided to ask him to leave. He left with just some stuff and nothing else. Do you think he would be able to get alimony at least for awhile? No children. He is 29 and will be looking for a job now obviously, but he was left with nothing. Ty for any advice in advance
  • I have filed for a legal separation and want to drop it, can this be done? I have filed the acceptance papers, and my husband has not responded yet. we are trying to work out our problems and not ready for a divorce. How do I go about rescinding the filing?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program