Domestic Violence Article
Cochise County Resources for Domestic Violence
Cochise County Resources for Domestic Violence
Cochise County Superior Court, Bisbee, AZ
Presiding Judge (520) 432-8500
Clerk of the Court (520) 432-8570
Domestic Violence - Abuse Crisis Counseling
Arizona Child Abuse or Neglect Hotline (CPS) 1-888-SOS-CHILD (1-888-767-2445)
Arizona Coalition Against Domestic Violence 1-800-782-6400
Boys Town National Hotline (24 Hours) 1-800-448-3000 TTY:1-800-448-1833
Community Partnership Of Southern Arizona 1-800-771-9889
Emerge Center Against Domestic Abuse (24 hour bilingual Crisis Hotline) (520) 795-4266, (888) 428-0101Forgach House (24 hours) (520)458-9096
House Of Hope- Douglas (520)364-2465 1-800-586-9161
National Domestic Violence Hotline 800-799-SAFE(7233) TTY: 1-800-787-7224
Parents Anonymous of AZ (Crisis Hotline) 1-800-352-0528
Domestic Violence - Counseling for Abusers
Community Partnership Of Southern Arizona 1-800-771-9889
Forgach House (520)458-9096
Parents Anonymous of AZ (Crisis Hotline) 1-800-352-0528
Domestic Violence - Shelters/Safe Houses; (24 hours)
Boys Town National Hotline (24 Hours) 1-800-448-3000 TTY:1-800-448-1833
Emerge Center Against Domestic Abuse (24 hour bilingual Crisis Hotline) (520) 795-4266, (888) 428-0101
(520)622-6347 (crisis)1-877-472-1717
Childrens Center/Open Inn (24 hours) (520)456-1000
Forgach House (520)458-9096
House Of Hope- Douglas (520)364-2465 1-800-586-9161
Information Resources
Community Action Program (520)432-5401 1-800-293-1144
Community Information and Referral(24 hours) 1-800-352-3792 (602)-263-8856
Contact Shelter Hotline-24 Hour Information & Referral 1-800-352-3792 (602)263-8856
Parent Assistance Hotline (Information on Parents' Legal Rights) 1-800-732-8193
Legal Services
Emerge Center Against Domestic Abuse (24 hour bilingual Crisis Hotline) (520) 795-4266, (888) 428-0101Forgach House (24 hours) (520)458-9096
Southern Arizona Legal Aid, Bisbee 1-800-231-7106 (520)432-1639
Orders of Protection/Injunctions Against Harassment
Benson Municipal/Justice Court (520)586-8100
Bisbee Municipal Court (520)432-4022
Douglas Municipal Court (520)364-7501
Huachuca City Municipal Court (520)456-1354
Sierra Vista Municipal/Justice Court (520)452-4980
Tombstone Magistrate Court (520)457-3781
Wilcox Municipal Court (520)384-4271
Bisbee Justice Courts (520)432-9540
Bowie Justice Courts (520)847-2303
Douglas Justice Courts (520)805-5640
Wilcox Justice Courts (520)384-7000
Clerk of the Superior Court (520)432-8570
Clerk of the Superior Court, Bisbee (520)432-8520
Clerk of the Superior Court, Sierra Vista (520)803-3080
Victim Rights and Witness Assist Program
AZ State Attorney General (602)542-4911
Victim Services
Cochise County Attorney Victim Witness Program (520)432-8700
Cochise County Children's Center/Open Inn - Huachuca City (520) 456-1000
Victim Rights and Witness Assist Program - AZ State Attorney General (602)542-4911
Revised June 2006
My ex emailed me what appears to be a protective order against me from over a week ago but I was never served. What do I di?
I have an ex boyfriend that I work with. He has threatened me, harassed me and my roommates at and outside of work, and has stolen things from me. I have brought it up to our boss who talked with him and warned him not to contact me but I am still afraid to go to work. What can I do?
My daughteris being physically abused by her husband He has done this before. The police came once to escort her out of the trailer. He left before they came. She is afraid of him as he has threatened to have her children taken away. I am not sure as to what to do as parents. He apologizes, then she keep accepts him back. We are worried about the children. We live in Alaska
Can I leave the county with my daughter if I am trying to better my life by getting out of a violent marriage that I am divorcing from anyway?
I was convicted of a misdemeanor domestic violence charge and have finished all of my sentencing and have had my charges set aside. What else must I do to restore my gun rights?
Can I press charges against someone who continually verbally abuses me through text message. Blocking is not an option since that person is a co-parent to a child.
How can an Injunction or Order of Protection be served if the person harrassing me does not have a specific address, but moves from one house to another (and those addresses are not known to me)?
My ex is doing this to our son. Where can I get help? The judge doesn't see my side of this and there was significant domestic violence in our marriage. The judge has granted my ex custody and he is a dangerous alcoholic. My daughter, his step daughter is so afraid for her little brother because she knows 1st hand what her step-father is capable of yet the judge won't let her in the court room. My ex is extremely good at conning and manipulating the system and has the judge fooled. I don't know what to do and now I can't even see our son. What can I do?
Can an order of protection be issued to a defendant out of state without an arrest being mad or charges being filed?
Due to domestic violence/ child support I have received permanent guardianship of my 16 year old niece. Her Mother is still paying child support to the Father in another county. How do I get that paid to me and also get a child support order in place for the Father? Is there any SSI or govt assistance I can get help from?
Free & Reduced Fees Legal Aid Resources
Click Here to apply online, or call
- Please select your county of residence below.
State Bar of Arizona -
Maricopa County Bar
Referral number 602-257-4434 -
Pima County Bar
Referral number 520-623-4625 -
National Domestic Violence Hotline
800-799-7233 -
Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
866-553-0893 -
Certified Legal Document Preparer Program
- Family Lawyer's Assistance Project (FLAP)- Phoenix
View full description - Legal Services for Crime Victims in Arizona (LSCVA)
View full description - Community Legal Services - Central Office
View full description - Florence Immigrant and Refugee Rights Project
View full description - DNA- People's Legal Services - Fort Defiance
View full description
Things You Should Know about Protective Orders
Domestic Violence Survivor's Guide
Apache County Resources for Domestic Violence
Coconino County Resources for Domestic Violence
Gila County Resources for Domestic Violence
Graham County Resources for Domestic Violence
Greenlee County Resources for Domestic Violence
La Paz County Resources for Domestic Violence
Maricopa County Domestic Violence Resources
Mohave County Resources for Domestic Violence
Navajo County Resources for Domestic Violence
Pima County Resources for Domestic Violence
Pinal County Resources for Domestic Violence
Santa Cruz County Resources for Domestic Violence
Yavapai County Resources for Domestic Violence
Yuma County Resources for Domestic Violence
Tribal Resources for Domestic Violence
County Resources for Domestice Violence Victims
Where to Find an Attorney for Specific Legal Advice
Domestic Violence Resource Guide - DNA People's Legal Services
Protective Order Center - How to Obtain an Order of Protection from the Court