Child Support
questions & answers
Question: My divorce papers state that my ex-husband pay for our daughters extra-curricular activities (piano, gymnastics etc)as well as $20.00 a month child support. He is not doing any other is. It also states he must see a therapist which he has not done. His visitation is Tuesdays/Thursdays 3-7 and every other Saturday but I have been letting him see her whenever he wants. Does that mean I'm in contempt? What can I do about him not paying for the things he's supposed to and going to a therapist? He still has not taken the parenting class the court requires either.
Answer: o If your divorce decree is not being followed, you will want to file a post-decree petition which can be used to modify or enforce existing court orders. In order to do this you can visit your superior court website’s self-help section, here you will find the proper paperwork that you needs to fill out. You should also consider consulting with an attorney.
My divorce papers state that my ex-husband pay for our daughters extra-curricular activities (piano, gymnastics etc)as well as $20.00 a month child support. He is not doing any other is. It also states he must see a therapist which he has not done. His visitation is Tuesdays/Thursdays 3-7 and every other Saturday but I have been letting him see her whenever he wants. Does that mean I'm in contempt? What can I do about him not paying for the things he's supposed to and going to a therapist? He still has not taken the parenting class the court requires either.
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