Landlord and Tenant Rights and Responsibilities
questions & answers
Question: Moved into renovated home was to be done by 6/18 (day moved in). Upon arrival; 2 baseball size holes in 2 windows & piles of trash under carport. Due to incorrect measurements windows would be another week. Week1 dryer vent had to be re-cut, electrician rewired house due to fire hazard. Week2 plumbing unable to do laundry 2weeks now, family has to share 1 bathroom, windows not replaced. Week3 windows replaced 7/1–7/6, plumbing on hold to find better price (laundry?), & still sharing bathroom. Was given 1 months free rent but asking us to pay full electricity bill. What are her obligations?
The following is provided as general information.
The Arizona Residential Landlord and Tenant Act addresses matters concerning the landlord/tenant relationship. The Act is found in Title 33, Chapter 10 of the Arizona Revised Statutes, and can be referenced for additional questions. Title 33, Chapter 3 also contains laws pertaining to landlords and tenants. ARS 33-1324 states that the landlord shall maintain fit premises. The landlord shall “maintain in good and safe working order and condition all electrical, plumbing, sanitary, heating, ventilating, air-conditioning and other facilities and appliances.” See ARS 33-1361, which adresses remedies for noncompliance in regards to ARS 33-1324.
For more information see this article on Landlord and Tenant Rights and Responsibilities. Housing issues can be very complex; thus, for detailed legal advice see an attorney.
Moved into renovated home was to be done by 6/18 (day moved in). Upon arrival; 2 baseball size holes in 2 windows & piles of trash under carport. Due to incorrect measurements windows would be another week. Week1 dryer vent had to be re-cut, electrician rewired house due to fire hazard. Week2 plumbing unable to do laundry 2weeks now, family has to share 1 bathroom, windows not replaced. Week3 windows replaced 7/1–7/6, plumbing on hold to find better price (laundry?), & still sharing bathroom. Was given 1 months free rent but asking us to pay full electricity bill. What are her obligations?
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