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  • I filed in Globe county for Establish Legal decision making, she filed a response there, but I learned tonight that she moved to Maricopa County. How does this affect the case? Do I need to re-file in Maricopa County?
  • I got a divorce about 7 years ago and it stated that my ex owes me some money but he has yet to pay in full. He had since moved to NC and gotten remarried. Can I go after them for the money? The decree doesn't state an expiration for the money to be paid but he refuses to make further payments to me. I also learned that he has recently bought a house. Can I put a lien out and file a document with the court to hold him in contempt for not paying me?
  • Is there a place where we can get a Financial Power of Attorney Form with no charge. Do you know if more than one person can be names as POA? like my daughter and my son both?
  • How can an Injunction or Order of Protection be served if the person harrassing me does not have a specific address, but moves from one house to another (and those addresses are not known to me)?
  • My ex has sole custody of my 17 year old daughter. In November 2010, my daughter spent 2 weeks in residential treatment for cutting. When my daughter was discharged from treatment, it was recommended she participate in more treatment, my ex is not following thru with this. My daughter sounds they way she did whenshe was cutting, I am worried w/o treatment she will hurt herself. Can I file for emergency custody? Called CPS but they are not sure if they will bebable to respond timely. Can I file the one where my ex is not served? Not sure if the situation meets the criteria for that?
  • My boyfriend owes almost $100,000 to the State of California. He is paying off the welfare that his ex wife was on. His paychecks are garnished and as of a few days ago his bank account was too. I was planning on joining the Navy in the spring and we wanted to get married. My question is: Will his child support debt transfer to me?Will they be able to garnish my wages and bank account? Will any of this be put on my credit score?
  • If I am no longer going to be in the tental business can i evict the tenants
  • I live in a building that supposed to be subsidized based on your income now they’re charging me 50% of their income for 50% is $24,000 a year I don’t make $24,000 a year can they legally do this and if not how do I go about filing a complaint because I’m looking at our buildings income guidelines and for them to charge me 24 I’m sorry 50% of rent monthly you have to meet $24,000 a year I don’t make that yearly can they legally do this and if not then what do I need to do about this
  • I did a plea bargain 9 years ago on a DUI. The court put out a warrant on me, they said I did not complete 36 hours of alcohol treatment. My attorney, does not keep records over 5 years. Can the city court bring up this after 9 years and say it was a pending case?
  • My vehicle was recently repossessed. The towing company won't allow me obtain my personal property left in the vehicle until I pay the accrued "storage fee" that increases $20 daily. Is this legal? Can I charge them for the car keys that they want me to turn over?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program