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  • How can I break my lease if I can't fit my furniture in the apartment ?
  • My wife passed away on 1/1/13.She had an accounts in bank.They refused to let have her account balance (app $2,000?) without going to "probate".I'm very confused! What do I need to do ? Thank You
  • Where can I find covenant divorce packet to file for divorce
  • Is it legal for my landlord to put on the lease that I am responsible for the repair or replacement of the house's appliances? Stove, fridge, washer/dryer. They are not new.
  • If I'm on SS/Disability and don't get paid until the 3rd of every month can my apartment manager charge me a late fee for paying rent on the third not the first of the month? I had been told by the previous manager that it's illegal for him to do so. Now the new/current manager says that he (previous Mgr) was wrong, misinformed. I need to get a straight answer. Not the he said, she said that happening. Thank you for your help
  • I had made an appointment for a visual mold inspection to be performed at the condo I rent, due to my landlords not taking action and telling me it was my responsibility to pay for a test. I informed both the Inspector and landlord that I was running 10 minutes late. The landlords did not wait for me to be present and let the inspector in my home without my permission, had the test performed and was done before I arrived.If I made the appointment and did not give permission for them to enter or was informed they entered, is there something I can do about this?
  • Can my landlord evict me if my electricity is out due to non-payment.? In the lease it states that water and trash is included and electric and gas is the tenants responsibility. Our electric has been off for 5 days but we've payed the bill and will be back on tomorrow morning. Can my landlord give us a notice of immediate termination ?
  • What is the process i need to take to get visitation with my grandson. What papers do i need to file? Do i need a lawyer?
  • Can an organazation prefer one religion over another and request that employees sign a "statment of faith"?
  • can i "set aside" my record if it was a felony conviction for "misconduct involving weapons"




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program