Pro Bono Program - Yavapai County Profile
The Pro Bono Program provides high quality civil legal services to applicants whose income is near poverty level.
Address401 N. Mount Vernon
Prescott, AZ 86301
Phone: (928) 445-9240
Toll Free: (800) 233-5114
Fax: (928) 445-6312
Does the anti-deficiency statute cover for a an 80/20 loan where the 1st mortgage was refinanced (no cash out)under HARP 2.0? Refinanced only for lower interest rate/payment.
I am a retired military member, divorced. Under the terms of the divorce decree (modifiable) my ex receives a percentage of my military retirement pay, plus a spousal support payment. My Veteran's Administration disability rating was recently increased, which will have the effect of her net retirement payment being decreased. Will this give her grounds to request a modification to cover the difference? Can I expect any protection under ARS 25-318.01(3)?
Can the Landlord charge us for water even though it has been turned off for 2 days (December 1st and 2nd) due to a pipe bursting. We had no control over this and as a result they are still gonna charge us even though we have no running water in the apts for 2 days. What can we do?
My former landlord has not filed a satisfaction of judgment for a matter that was completed 2 yrs ago. She has not responded to my attempts and I can't get an answer as to what I need to file.
My ex is married now and his wife refuses to abide by the parenting agreement we made in court. Does she legally have to abide by the parenting agreement?
how soon does a complaint for divorce have to be served, before its dismissed
Hi, my kids and I I live and take care of my mom and dad and I make sure my father gets to his appts, takes pills etc, and my moms on hospice and i am both the medical power of attorney for them. I am the youngest of 8 and I fear that is something happens to my parents and their home is under my dad and brother that comes around every cpl days for a bit then leaves. Is there or should I do something now before its too late in order for us not to be in the street after parents pass. I pay all the bills and property taxes and I dont want the place under my name I just dont want my brother to get mad cuz he drinks and gets dumb and threatens to kick us off his property for telling him not to drink here. Now us is myself and 3 daughters. we all take care of my parents.
How should we be holding title to our home if we want our children, from prior marriages, to inherit our respective portions of community property? Currently it is CPWROS. I know this is wrong as my daughter will get nothing if I pass first.
I am legally divorced and wanted my maiden name back, but know don't want to change it, do I have to change it?
How do I find out how much taxes are owed on a property?
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State Bar of Arizona -
Maricopa County Bar
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Pima County Bar
Referral number 520-623-4625 -
National Domestic Violence Hotline
800-799-7233 -
Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
866-553-0893 -
Certified Legal Document Preparer Program
- Arizona Corporation Commission
View full description - Gila County Housing Dept.
View full description - Maricopa County Regional Homeless Court
View full description - Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law, Civil Litigation Clinic
View full description - Community Legal Services - Statewide Farmworker Program
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