Catholic Community Services in Western Arizona Profile

Programs for disabled individuals, homemaking assistance, nutrition services for seniors, domestic violence safe housle and counseling, case management services, and adult day care programs for elderly and disabled men and women.

690 East 32nd Street
Yuma, AZ 85365
Phone: 928.341.9400
Toll Free: 888.514.3482
Fax: 928.341.8428


  • Is the landlord obligated to provide pesticide treatment if the tenant reports that he found a few roaches. The pesticide treatment on the lease was left blank. The other items were checked on the lease.
  • I met with a landlord of an RV Park yesterday have an RV park we looked at a spot for my RV I went and got a money order for the amount he told me would be the rent for a week that we agreed to bring my RV in this morning and get it hooked up when I went home he called me about 15 minutes later told me that someone from where I lived currently had called and said if you rented to me because of my son it would be bad so he cancelled told me he would could not rent to me anymore so now I have a money order made out to him that I can't even get my money back on is there any discrimination here
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  • Does AHCCCS only pay for Breast Cancer treatment in designated clinics and hospitals. I was reading the article in the Wall Street Joural about the woman who was caught up in the health care system. I want to know if a person making $15,000 a year with no insurance would be turned down for help if she applied to our AHCCCS.
  • Can both the parents be named custodial parent?
  • I am married but have been separated (no legal separation filed) from my husband for 4 years. I have now had a baby with my boyfriend and the hospital won't name the father on the birth cert. They insist AZ law says it has to be her legal husband by default. Is this true? What do we do?
  • What steps do I need to take for filling full custody of my child when we both have joint custody
  • When you have someone on Facebook making threats to you about a service you did for them and they didn't like it now they want to threaten you and go to places you're at to hurt you
  • how long does a property management company have to accept or deny your application for occupancy? How do they have to respond if you are denied?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program