Glendale Victim Assistance Profile

To be eligible for these services you must be the victim of a misdemeanor crime committed and charged in the city of Glendale. Offers services to victims of a misdemeanor crime committed and charged in the city of Glendale. The center provides: 24-hour on-scene crisis services, information services to help victims successfully interact with the criminal justice system assistance with Orders of Protection and related domestic violence issues, investigative and court support to victims. These services are provided by a trained victim advocates.

6830 N 57th Dr
Glendale, AZ 85301
Phone: 623.930.3030


  • My girlfriend is due any day now. She has been doing drugs throughout the pregnancy and trying to put the baby up for adoption. I am the father and am out of work and don't have a stable place to live. If both my girlfriend and I agree can I sign the baby over to my mom and will Cps still get involved if we do so. She just signed an adoption plan so would my mom still be able to take the baby home. I am against the adoption.
  • My ex-wife and I have joint physical and legal custody of our two children. I carry their health insurance, by court order. My ex-wife has issues with our son at home, which we do not experience in our home. He has anger and agression issues, and is now acting out at school. She took him to a therpist who recommened he be medicated, and she wants him medicated as well. I do not support this, but she said I do not have a say in the situation. She will not provide me with the name of the doctor or drug. Can I file something with the court to keep my son from taking the medicine?
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  • I recently found a lot of black mold in a permanent cupboard that I've never used in my bathroom. What are the responsibilities of the landlord to eradicate this?
  • I was sitting in my car, engine running for four minutes underneath a no parking sign in a paratransit loading zone (Tucson)and was handed a $538 fine which I'm appealing. 1)Is no parking the same as no standing? 2)Does the ticket enforcer need to identify himself?
  • The landlord’s noncompliance is materially affecting the tenant’s health and safety, what is the word "Saftey" refering to? Is adequate outdoor lighting that is not on resident's utility bill to deter break-in, vandalisim,and property theft included?
  • My boyfriend and I have broking up and he took our two boys ages 2yrs and 11months old to las Vegas and we haven't gone to court,can he do that? We have never been married either,what can I do to get them back?
  • What do I do if my ex registered my daughter for kindergarten and we have 50/50 yet she didn't include me and we live an hour away from each other
  • I had my daughter 3 years ago and did not have her father sign the birth certificate we are still together and he wants to sign her birth certificate how would we go about him signing it
  • My mom passed away september 2018 the trailer her and her husband owned a mobile hone in a 55t community where they rented the space. I found out that after mom died her husband walked away from the trailer and owed lot rent. I thought he was paying everything. I found out they had been taken to court. It is now almost a year later snd i want my moms trailer and all her personal things that were in there but the park has a lock on the trailer. What are my rights what do i do.




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program