Other Family Issues
questions & answers
Question: my mother bought me a car and had the bill of sale and title made out to me. now that im moving shes saying i cant register and insure the car until i do good in her eyes. she put the title and bill of sale in her safe so i cant get it. Can she do that? What do i do t get it?
Answer: In this situation, your mother is a private seller of a vehicle. If in fact she did go to the DMV and transferred title to your name, and yet refuses to give you the copy of the title, you can certainly go to the DMV and request a copy of the title yourself. You do not particularly need a bill of sale to make the sale final. The most important document needed to prove ownership is the title. Once you are at the DMV and get a copy of the title, registration is required and cost is minimal. Please visit www.dmv.org for more information about vehicle titling.
my mother bought me a car and had the bill of sale and title made out to me. now that im moving shes saying i cant register and insure the car until i do good in her eyes. she put the title and bill of sale in her safe so i cant get it. Can she do that? What do i do t get it?
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