Other Family Issues
questions & answers
Question: My husband has no papers. He has been served with petition to establish child support. I pay everything since he cant work. I would like to know if child support will become my responsibility in this case, since he does not work and if there is anything I can do. Thank you.
Answer: When calculating child support the income of the mother and father is required. Arizona has an online child support calculator to assist parents. To view the calculator please go to: http://www.azcourts.gov/familylaw/2015-Child-Support-Calculator
Arizona Revised Statute 25-500 defines income as "...any form of payment owed to an individual, regardless of source, including wages, salaries, commissions, bonuses, workers' compensation, disability payments, payments pursuant to a pension or retirement program and interest."
My husband has no papers. He has been served with petition to establish child support. I pay everything since he cant work. I would like to know if child support will become my responsibility in this case, since he does not work and if there is anything I can do. Thank you.
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