Volunteer Lawyers Program - Pima County Profile

The Volunteer Lawyer Program (VLP) for Pima County offers self-help clinics, court projects, and direct representation. The VLP assists eligible clients with all types of civil legal needs, including family law, bankruptcy, employment law, wills, housing, and immigration. Contact VLP through the toll free number for more information about eligibility.

2343 E Broadway Blvd, Suite 200
Tucson, AZ 85719
Phone: 520.623.9461
Toll Free: 800.640.9465
Fax: 520.620.0443
Website: http://www.vlparizona.org/


  • My landlord entered the property thorough a window and began to move my things out because I failed to pay rent. Without my consent he took a house key while he was inside the property and used it to re-gain access while i was at work. He Showed up to my work ordering me to leave work and move my stuff out, endless phone calls at all hours to my 13 yr old sons phone and so on. On 8/16 I came home to find a 5 day notice dated 8/15 taped to the front door, today I received a copy via cert mail. Do the 5 days begin when the notice was taped to my door or today when received the cert mail?
  • The mother has informed the judge at our last settlement that she has moved back into her dad's house and plans to quit her job to go to school fulltime. My concern is with me currently paying child support, will that amount increase due to her deciding not to work, especially when all her expenses will be accounted for by her dad?
  • i don't have the money for an attorney to complete my divorce. I have been living seperately from my husband for 4 years. I don't qualify for living at or near poverty level but only have about $40.00 a month in disposable income. Is there anywhere that i can get help?
  • I recently received a notice from a collection agency stating that I owe $482 for services provided at the apartment complex. I was told at their main office that the charge was for the replacement of the glass stove top and paint. My lease ended on August 19th, 2013; when I went to the office to turn in the keys and schedule a moving out walk-through I was told that it wasn't necessary as no deficiencies were found in the apartment. It's been about 5 months since I moved out and not once did I receive a statement of charges. What should I do?
  • My Mom is disabled, she should be doing physical therapy but she refuses to help herself and wont let us help her, she ignores her health completely and sits around all day drinking and taking her prescription pills and is in and out of the hospital, she's becoming a danger to herself and refuses to see it. what are the laws to putting her into a rehab or nursing home.
  • My husband was fired from Amazon for missing a day for taking our youngest son to the hospital because our son was having a seizure. Does the FMLA cover this?
  • We turned in the emergency form ARS 33-1361 for our landlord to repair leaks and mold that is growing from these leaks. Once the 5 days are up and no repairs have been made, what are the steps to take afterwards?
  • By law at what age can a minor be left alone
  • Forcible detainer - Do you have the self help .pdf forms for Yuma County?
  • My lease is expiring on May 23, 2020. I signed a notice to vacate, but my roommate refuses to sign. My landlord has initiated a month to month lease and is telling me that I am responsible for the rent until both of us sign the order. I cannot control what my roommate does. Am I legally bound to this person? Can they force me into a month to month lease, and make me stay when I want to move?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program