Car Accidents
questions & answers
Question: I need some help to understand if I have a case to pursue legal action: I was in an accident 9/26/15: my car was hit by a truck. The driver of the truck was not the owner of the truck. It has been a struggle to navigate through the insurance(s). I did get my car fixed and owner of the truck's insurance paid for repairs, and my chiropractor bills are pending... my insurance paid for the $500 we paid out of pocket, and my rental car. The remaining item open is "diminished value" - they offered $250 for my 2008 Lexus ES350 (under 50K miles), but I need advice to settle or pursue legal action
Answer: You would need to consult with an attorney on this type of question. You may want to go to the State Bar's website, to find an attorney regarding civil litigation. On the State Bar's website they have a place on the home page that says Find an attorney. In the Focus area, type in Civil litigation, and hit search. It will bring up a list of civil attorneys all over the state.
I need some help to understand if I have a case to pursue legal action: I was in an accident 9/26/15: my car was hit by a truck. The driver of the truck was not the owner of the truck. It has been a struggle to navigate through the insurance(s). I did get my car fixed and owner of the truck's insurance paid for repairs, and my chiropractor bills are pending... my insurance paid for the $500 we paid out of pocket, and my rental car. The remaining item open is "diminished value" - they offered $250 for my 2008 Lexus ES350 (under 50K miles), but I need advice to settle or pursue legal action
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