Landlord and Tenant Rights and Responsibilities
questions & answers
Question: We live with and care for my father in law who told us today that he is moving into assisted living and we must move out. We rented the house we own, what sort of notice must we give our tenants?
Answer: Landlords may evict tenants for a variety of reasons, however, all eviction notices must be in writing. The amount of time a tenant has to either vacate the premises or fix the problem, if possible, is dependent upon the type of eviction. For example, if it is discovered you have an unauthorized pet, the landlord could give you 10 days to either vacate the premises or get rid of the pet. If the problem involves such things as criminal activity or threatening other residents or apartment staff, the required notice to vacate is 24 hours and there is no opportunity to fix the problem. Once an eviction notice is given, there is a very short period of time, sometimes as little as 2 days, before a trial may be held. If you receive an eviction notice, you are encouraged to seek legal assistance as soon as possible. You may want to take a look at the rights and responsibilities of the landlord and tenant at: You may want to consult with an attorney for legal advice.
We live with and care for my father in law who told us today that he is moving into assisted living and we must move out. We rented the house we own, what sort of notice must we give our tenants?
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