Landlord and Tenant Rights and Responsibilities
questions & answers
Question: Landlord is upset about possibly having to fix broken air conditioning in a house my wife and i are renting he is trying to say its my fault because i didn't change the filters on a regular time period but has not had a qualified a/c person inspect it just an other tenant who said that the unit is frozen.I feel that he is looking for an excuse to have me pay for repairs when the air is his response ability .What can I do to get the a/c fixed and do I have to worry about a retaliation eviction I have entertained the idea of getting a Tucson building inspector to make him fix the a/c to code.
Answer: There is an article on AZLawHelp that explains the Landlord/Tenant act and what you need to do if the landlord is not following procedure. You can find the article at: If this doesn't help, you may want to contact an attorney to find out how to go about getting the a/c fixed.
Landlord is upset about possibly having to fix broken air conditioning in a house my wife and i are renting he is trying to say its my fault because i didn't change the filters on a regular time period but has not had a qualified a/c person inspect it just an other tenant who said that the unit is frozen.I feel that he is looking for an excuse to have me pay for repairs when the air is his response ability .What can I do to get the a/c fixed and do I have to worry about a retaliation eviction I have entertained the idea of getting a Tucson building inspector to make him fix the a/c to code.
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