Volunteer Lawyers Program - Apache, Cochise, Gila, Graham, Greenlee, Pinal, Navajo and Santa Cruz Counties Profile

The Volunteer Lawyer Program (VLP)for Apache, Cochise, Gila, Graham, Greenlee, Pinal, Navajo and Santa Cruz counties offers self-help clinics, court projects, and direct representation. The VLP assists eligible clients with all types of civil legal needs, including family law, bankruptcy, employment law, wills, housing, and immigration. Contact VLP through the toll free number for more information about eligibility and locations.

64 E. Broadway Blvd
Tucson, AZ 85701
Phone: 520.623.9461
Toll Free: 800.640.9465 ext. 4176
Fax: 520.620.0443
Website: http://www.vlparizona.org/


  • My mother had quad bypass surgery 10/07. Upon coming home from the hospital we needed a caregiver to help my mom take her meds go to the bathroom , feed herself , bathe herself etc. After 90 days my mothers LTC kicked in. We filed a claim with Humana , which is the provider that administers her medicare , on 04/20/07. We called a couple of weeks later and were told it takes 30 days to process. We then called the end of May and were told they have it but to wait another 30 days. We called at the end of June and were now told it was in the wrong dept but it would now be expedited. I called mid July spoke to a "manager " Joe Clark who said it was still in the worng dept but he wopuld expedite it and call me back in 1-2 days. NO CALL 10 days later I call and speak to Stephanie, and she tells me her sup. will call me back NO CALL. i call 5 days later speak to Woodley , he tells me he has no idea about the delay but will rush it. I call at the end of July speak to yet another manager who tells me they "changed" vendors and need me to refax the entire claim. She asks me what the claim is about I tell her and she tells me that what I described to her is really more "housekeeping" work and not covered. KEEP IN MIND she hasn't even reviewed the claim. I am now approaching 4 months since we first submitted this and I am at wits end. What are my options to get this expedited one way or another
  • My daughter is 2 and I am still in high school. Can I collect support from her dad? we never married and aren't together.He claims her on his taxes but doesn't share anything with me. Because I am in school, it works out that she probably spends 60% with me and 40% with him.
  • I lived in XXXXX apartments until June 2015. In June of 2015 I paid $406.17 to end my lease and my roomates and I signed a roommate release form saying that I was no longer on the lease. They moved out prematurely in August of 2015. Apparently a sum was sent to a collection agency for that apartment in 2016 and they included my name when they did that. I did not find out about this until I applied for an apartment for my daughter and I in May of 2017 and was denied because of this sum. I called the complex and was basically told that they cant help me. What can I do from here?
  • where can I get petition forms to fill out and submit to the court so I can file for vistation.
  • I have a 21 yr old handicapped son whom my current husband would like to adopt, is this possible considering his age even though he is disabled?
  • Just want to get to the point.. My husband is waiting for his appointment.. We have not paid the lawyer yet.. I heard that we should be paying the lawyer to make the appointment to get his green card/visa.. Is that true? And the lawyer is asking for $3500 and it has to be paid off first to get the appointment set up. Is this correct and is that amount correct too??
  • If u buy a mobile home and u are still fixing it. R u supposed to pay a full lot rent when there is body living on property? Or u pay half the rent for storage fees?
  • I filed a small claims complaint against a former roommate of mine when after I decided to leave he only gave me some of my personal belongings back and kept other items that he knew were important to me. I won the case and received a judgment for the amount that I requested. However, in the complaint two of the items I did not place a dollar amount next to because I knew he was still in possession of them (two portraits drawn by my brother that are very dear to me) and I wanted them returned. He had indicated in his Answer that he was in fact in possession of those items but wanted to be reimbursed for framing them. The hearing officer indicated we would need to take up the matter in a different forum due to the fact that they were personal property that I wanted to have returned. After the judgment was ordered I prepared a letter to the defendant and requested that he return the portraits to me and deduct the cost of framing from the judgment and I would then give him a satisfaction of judgment and we would be finished with this matter. About two weeks later I received a check for the amount of the judgment and a letter stating that he no longer was in possession of the artwork (he did not state what in fact became of my portraits). I decided to have the artwork appraised as I had photographs of the artwork as well as other drawings my brother had done. I then prepared a demand letter, again in an effort to resolve the matter without going to court. He did not respond in the time in which I had requested - (20) days. My question is do I have the right to file a Complaint for Conversion of Personal Property requesting to be compensated for damages (the price for the artwork as well as punitive damages and costs incurred)? And, if so, can I still file in small claims court as long as the amount I am seeking does not exceed $2,500 exclusive of court costs?
  • What makes a Will valid in the state of Arizona
  • My daughter lives in Northern AZ and had a child and lived with the father for 7 years. The relationship ended with the father filing custody papers with both parents having equal time with the child. He never has paid child support with my daughter never asking for it. He has been in several relationships with women married and divorced along with moving 10 times within 1 1/2 years. Long story short, my daughter has provided her with a stable home. He has hired a lawyer, she can't afford one. She has used legal aide but they won't go to the hearing. I'm worried she will loose wo/ a lawyer.




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program