questions & answers
Question: My debts, including my first and second mortgages were discharged in Ch. 7 bankruptcy in 2011. After BK, I contacted my landlord (BBVA Compass), to see if they would agree I stay in my house in exchange for reduced payments. They said OK, but said they couldn't provide me with any receipt or written communication of any kind. However, they are considering the second mortgage in the total owed, despite that debts like these are considered UNSECURED. Should I accept this agreement where I won't have a paper trail to rely on in case of a dispute later? Thanks!
Answer: The Bankruptcy Court has many services that may help you. You can call them at 866-553-0893 or utilize their online system
My debts, including my first and second mortgages were discharged in Ch. 7 bankruptcy in 2011. After BK, I contacted my landlord (BBVA Compass), to see if they would agree I stay in my house in exchange for reduced payments. They said OK, but said they couldn't provide me with any receipt or written communication of any kind. However, they are considering the second mortgage in the total owed, despite that debts like these are considered UNSECURED. Should I accept this agreement where I won't have a paper trail to rely on in case of a dispute later? Thanks!
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