
Articles and Info

Adoption Day

You won’t experience contractions before your adoption hearing but that doesn’t mean that the final step in becoming a forever family is entirely painless. Learn more about adoption day.

Adoption and Child Welfare

Adoption information from the nation’s only comprehensive searchable site for statutes, regulations, key cases and leading articles about adoption and child welfare law from all 50 states

by: The National Center for Adoption Law & Policy

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Where to Find an Attorney for Specific Legal Advice

 All legal service programs in Arizona differ, and their criteria for accepting cases vary as well. Find out what programs are available and where to go for assistance.

Related Questions

Question: I would like my fiance to adopt my children. I do have sole custody of my children. Do I still need permission from the father?
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Question: I’ve been paying Jasper for eight years. And I just found out that her stepdad adopted my daughter. Without my knowledge. Being that he adopted or am I obligated to continue to pay child support? Of course I will continue to support her. I just wanna know what my options are
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Question: I am currently pregnant and not exactly sure who the father is. I met my boyfriend a few months after conception. He is aware of the situation and would like to adopt. I am leaving the father blank on the birth certificate. Can he adopt without notifying any prospects? Being that they have known I have been pregnant and wanted nothing to do it?
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Question: My daughters biological father has not seen her in over 18 months and has not reached out at all. He lives in New Jersey. My husband has been in her life and a full time dad for over 2 years. How would we go about terminating parental rights if the biological father is not on the birth certificate and has not been involved with her at all? My husband would love to adopt her, but I don’t know how to go about it.
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Question: How soon can a step parent adopt step children if the biological father has been completely absent the children's entire life?
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Question: About 10 years ago I had an affair that ended with the birth of a child. This relation ended (my wife is aware of all this) and since then I have been paying child support. Recently the woman with whom I had the affair married and asked me to sign a legal paper whereby I agree to allow the child to change her last name and assume that of her husband. Does this imply her husband adopted the child?
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Question: My daughter's biological father passed away 6 months after she was born. My husband of 4 years and I are expecting a child and he'd like to legally adopt my daughter and change her last name from my maiden name to my married name. What's required for this process? Are their forms for it? Thank you!
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Question: I don't know who the father of my son is and there is no father listed on the birth certificate. My boyfriend would like to adopt my son when we marry in October- we have been together for 4 years. How do we start the adoption process?
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Question: My sister in law recently asked my husband (her brother) to adopt her baby, the baby is due in January. She is willing to sign over parental right. She has not been able to get in contact with the father of the baby since she informed him of the pregnancy. He told her he does not want anything to do with the baby. Do we have to his written consent to proceed with the adoption? Is there a legal way to contact him to get the form signed?
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Question: My son is 2 and a half years old. His biological father is around but hasn't had communication with my son for a while now. He never supported me financially and has been incarcerated more dan 2 times. He also has a deportation order. Do I still need his consent to remove his last name and my fiancé adopte him?
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Question: I would like to know how my husband can adopt my 5 year old daughter and have her last named changed
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Question: ive had this child for 10 years, she thinks im her mom, but i have only legal and Permanente physical custody, i want to adopt her
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Question: Can my dad adopt me at the age of 26
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Question: what dose my husband need to Adopt my child. He has been in her life for 11 years and she dose not know that my husband is not her biologic father. My husband would like to adopt her before we tell her the truth. Can you please help me, and tell me what do we need to do first. Thank you so much. Isa Rodas
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Question: wutsteps shuld I take to gain custody of my nephew, 12 yrs old, who now is living with my sister, not his parent
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Question: how can i find my sister when all i know is the day and town she was Born?
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Question: If i get amincipated do i lose all my benefits with cps?
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Question: I'm 25 years old, and was wondering if its still possible for my stepdad to adopt me. We have been trying to do it for years but have never actually started the process and would like to do so now. If someone could please give me an answer it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
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Question: I lost my parental rights to my kids. I have since been clean for 13 months. I want to get in touch with the adopted parents. I want to be in my kids life. I dont know where to start though.
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Question: Can lesbian adopt
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Question: my daughter has been going through cps for a year. right now child is with the dads mom foster care. if my grandson is put up for adoption can I adopt my grandson. I am the mothers mother. the other grandma does not want to. what rights would I have to be able to do this?
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Question: My stepsons father is not on the birth certificate and paternity has never been established legally. Do my wife and I still need to get his consent for me to able to adopt him?
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Question: I am 18 years old and my little sister (age 8) is currently in a CPS case. It looks as if my mother will lose, but the woman that wants to take my little sister is not a good woman. Is there a way that I can adopt my sister? I have a very steady job as a nanny, so I could have her with me at work. I live in a good apartment. I have all the means necessary to raise a child. Is there any way that it is possible?
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Question: My girlfriend has a teenage daughter with no father listed on her birth certificate however both the child and the mother know the father and he is present in his daughters life. My girlfriend and I have discussed this matter and we are interested in me adopting her daughter to allow me to fully provide and care for her. what is the process to make this happen?
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Question: I am the legal guardian of my two grandsons. Their mother (my daughter) is in prison. The father refuses to accept any responsibility saying they are not his children, even though he was married to my daughter when all three of the children were born. The Court has ordered him to have paternity testing, but he has refused to do so. I am 52 years old and need help supporting these children. Since their father refuses, and their mother is in prison, can I adopt these children and get any kind of aid for them?
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Question: I am the legal guardian of my two grandsons. Their mother (my daughter) is in prison. The father refuses to accept any responsibility saying they are not his children, even though he was married to my daughter when all three of the children were born. The Court has ordered him to have paternity testing, but he has refused to do so. I am 52 years old and need help supporting these children. Since their father refuses, and their mother is in prison, can I adopt these children and get any kind of aid for them?
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Question: I have had my step daughter since she was 1 year old. She will be 6 soon. I have raised her as my own, taking her to the doctor, school ect. She lives with my husband and our children full time. My husband has full custody. Bio mother has not been in her life consistently ever. She has never taken her to the doctor, paid child support or kept a consistent schedule with her. We have given her several chances. Bio mom has been in and out of jail and not stable. How would we go about having her rights severed so I can adopt her?
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Question: I and my daughter have not seen my husband in 5 years. She is 6. He was abusive but never arrested because he was good at abusing without leaving marks and lying. He has taken steps to hide his whereabouts and stated that if he had to pay child support he would take custody. I have been with my current fiancé for about 3 years and he would like to adopt her. Can he do that before the divorce?
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Question: at age 9 my mother remarried and he adopted me. I didn't want this cause I new my father would return. My natural father never new my mom was pregnant for him. I learned of my father at age 23. We are trying to build a relation ship, and I want my bio name back .What can I do?
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Question: When children are ADOPTED by the grandparents and the children were in cos custody at the time they were adopted. Does the grandparent get monthly checks fro the state?
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Question: My 5 year old niece is currently in CPS custoday for the 3rd time, in AZ. I am in Florida. She has been placed with friends of the mothers who do not have a foster license. Both the mother and father have said they want to sign away their parental rights and have me adopt my niece. They know they can never properly care for her and I can. If they tell CPS that they want to terminate their rights and give me permanent legal guardianship until I can adopt her what is the process? How long will it take to get her out of foster care and into my home?Not the actual adoption, just being placed here
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Question: I was put into foster care when I was 8, and during that time my biological mothers rights were severed. I was adopted when I was 12, and love my family. My biological mother has contacted my numerous times after the agency leaked my last name. I am trying to figure out if it is legal for her to have any contact with me what so ever? I do not want to hear from her. She is NOT my mother and I want nothing to do with her.
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Question: My daughter was born in las vegas her biological father has not had any contact since she was 1. My boyfriend has been raising her since she was 18 months old. can he adopt her ? her birth certificate has none of her biological fathers information , she how ever has mine and his last name. How would we go about having him adopt her and her receiving his last name?
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Question: My parental rights were severed do i have to wait until they turn 18 to contact them? How do I find them?
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Question: I have two grandsons, 3yrs. old and 6yrs old. I am the maternal grandmother with the 6yr. old in my care and pending an adoption. The paternal grandmother was charged with domestic violence and has the 3 yr. old in her care awaiting adoption. Will she still be allowed to adopt whether the charge has been dropped or not?
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Question: If my child has not even met his birth father and the birth father has not contacted me since he was born, can my fiance adopt my son? He has been with me since I was 2 months pregnany and m so is & months old.
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Question: My girlfriend is due any day now. She has been doing drugs throughout the pregnancy and trying to put the baby up for adoption. I am the father and am out of work and don't have a stable place to live. If both my girlfriend and I agree can I sign the baby over to my mom and will Cps still get involved if we do so. She just signed an adoption plan so would my mom still be able to take the baby home. I am against the adoption.
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Question: My girlfriend is due any day now. She has been doing drugs throughout the pregnancy and trying to put the baby up for adoption. I am the father and am out of work and don't have a stable place to live. If both my girlfriend and I agree can I sign the baby over to my mom and will Cps still get involved if we do so. She just signed an adoption plan so would my mom still be able to take the baby home. I am against the adoption.
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Question: i have three children already and I am pregnant with a fourth that is going up for adoption. my question is if the newborn has marijuana in his system at birth what will happen to my other three?
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Question: my question is if i adopt my grandson he is 4 will he still recieve state acess?I cannot afford to have him on mine.i have had coustody of him since he was 7-8 months old.I was awarded permanent Guardin of him since Nov.5th 20013 I have filed for adoption through greenlee county.Thank you lydia
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Question: If I was married when I adopted my daughter and I was the only one to sign the papers that day because my husband had to work, does my husband have any legal rights to our daughter?
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Question: My ex-husband wants to give up right to our kids .(I think so he wont have to pay child support)And asked if my current husband would adopt them. My question is how long is this process and how much would it cost IF I ever decided to go along with it?
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Question: If a friend wants me to adopt her unborn baby, and I am not yet certified to adopt when the baby is born, am I still allowed to take the baby home from the hospital?
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Question: I am willing to give up my parental rights to my ex wives husband to adopt my child. What steps do my child's step father and I need to take to make this happen?
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Question: If my aunt wants to adopt me does my mother have to agree with it?
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Can I adopt my spouse’s children if I am a convicted felon?  And what is an expedited case plan with child protective services mean?

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Question: i have a 5 month old. the father has isnt on the birth certificate, hasnt filed for rights or establishment of paternity through the courts or anything. he rarely sees the child and when he does its only when its convenient for him. and 98% of the time, he doesnt even claim the child as his own. for example: he tells me to have the real father pay for things. i do not know his current address and was curious about something. i am currently in a relationship with someone new. if i were to marry this person, could he legally adopt the my child? what would he have to do to legally adopt my child?
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Question: I recently found out that I am the bio-logical father of a 14 year old daughter who has been adopted. I never knew until June 2011 that I was this child’s father. What rights do I have since this was done without my knowledge? This was actually done in Colorado but I reside in Arizona. I do not want to up-root my child from her adoptive family as she has been with them for 6 years but I would like to met her and let her know that I did not abandon her and I am here for her if she wants to get to know me.
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Question: can a grandparent adopt their grandchild before a non blood relitive
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Question: How do i adopt my step son (13yrs).His mother and i are getting a divorce and have been separated for over a year. adoption will be uncontested by both parents. The child wants to live with me and has been for the last year along with his 4 brothers and sisters .I have been his step-father since he was 6 months old. I am ready to remarry after the divorce is final.Do i get the divorce , re-marry, Then adopt him or do i have to stay married in order to adopt him? Note:The mother may have a life threatening condition and wants to make sure he stays with me in the case that she dies.
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Question: We need a good adoption lawyer. Thx
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Question: I have a 21 yr old handicapped son whom my current husband would like to adopt, is this possible considering his age even though he is disabled?
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Question: My husband would like to adopt my three children from a previous marriage. The issue is their father has been deported from the United States and is not allowed to return to this country. I have full legal and physical custody of the children which was given in our divorce prior to his deportation. my husband provides all support to them. How would we go about having my husband adopt the kids knowing that their father would not be able to sign any consents etc?
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Question: My partner and I are having a baby. I am the biological mother. How can she adopt as a second parent once the child is born? There will be no other legal parent at the time of the child's birth besides myself.
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Question: I have 2 step children by 2 different fathers. The father are not on the birth certifercate, but know about the children and chose not to be in there live how can I adopt them both.
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Question: Do my husband & I need to notify the parents of my husband's grandson, whom we've raised since 2003, that we wish to adopt him if the parents rights were temporarily terminated in 2000 and never restored? Mom's out of state & agreeable, dad is in prison where he's been most of the child's life.
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Question: Son in prison for drugs only but will be in for several years (first time incarcerated). He is in a drug rehab program there. Grandmother from mother's side has custody of his child. She asked him to sign away his rights as a parent. When he refused she said she can go to court and adopt the child anyway because of his being in prison. Can she do this? Can he loose permanent custody with this.
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Question: My partner and i are ready to have children, a girl we know came to us with the news she was pregnant and did not know what she was going to do. After a while we mentioned adopting, she was hoping we would. She is 100% about us adopting her baby. Now how do we legally do this...also my partner and i are gay so only one of us will be able to legally adopt but we are just at a total loss of what to do, how to do it, and even if this is possible.
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Question: I am the biological father,a perternity test was done and I was in prison when she was born.I was to follow all D.E.S programs,But had to put it off til I took care of a fauls accusation in a fellony case-which got dissmissed.And now she was adopted out and I was not notified (but had no stable address). Can the adoption be reversed? I reside in Arizona if that helps.
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Question: I have a parental relationship with a 21 year old who's mother is deceased. We would like it if I could adopt him legally to solidify the family relationship, my children, this person and myself have discussed it in depth. Is this a possibility in Arizona?
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Question: What is the first step I would take to have my husband adopt my first child? What if the father is unknown and not on the birth certificate?
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Question: want to find out information on adoption,for a child that is not biologically is not mine. his mother and i were involved after she became pregent. he is now 10 and i have been there helping raise him since he was born. his biological father has not seen him in 9 years, and owes 16,000 dollars in child support.His mother and i are not togther anymore but i he spends every other weekend with me and holidays with me and i would like to adopit him
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Question: I am looking to give my unborn child up for adoption to my uncle and his wife in another state. What steps do we need to take with the least amount of legal expenses on both our ends?
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Question: If I want to sign away my rights to my children so that they can be adopted by their stepfather,what steps do I need to take? How do I petition the court, or am I able to even do this?
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Question: My Son fathered 2 children with a lady who was married to someone else at the time of birth.She listed her husband as the father on the birth certificate. She was killed in an accident recently and was still legally married at the time , but had been seperated from her husband and lived with my son for 5 years.Her husband and her had filled out & had notarized a from called voluntary paternity , but never listed my son as the father , he did aknowledge he was not the father.My son had dna test done and they do show he is the biological father.How does he get the name changed on the birth certficate.He has the children , that is not an issue , just want to make sure all is legal in the eyes of the courts/state.How do we proceed ?
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