Domestic Violence Article

Navajo County Resources for Domestic Violence

Navajo County Resources for Domestic Violence

Navajo County Superior Court, S. Highway 77, Holbrook, AZ

Presiding Judge (928) 524-4159

Clerk of the Court (928)524-4188

Domestic Violence - Abuse Crisis Counseling

Apache Behavioral Health Services (Whiteriver) (928)338-4811

Arizona Child Abuse or Neglect Hotline (CPS) 1-888-SOS-CHILD (1-888-767-2445)

Arizona Coalition Against Domestic Violence 1-800-782-6400

Behavioral Health Agency Of Central Arizona Crisis Line (520)836-2880


Boys Town National Hotline (24 Hours) 1-800-448-3000 TTY:1-800-448-1833

Community Counseling Center - Holbrook (928)524-6126

Community Counseling Center - Show Low (928)537-2951

Hopi Guidance Center - Keams Canyon (928)737-6323

New Horizon Community Counseling Center - Winslow (928)289-4658

Parents Anonymous of AZ (Crisis Hotline) 1-800-352-0528

Regional Behavioral Health Services (928)774-2070

Domestic Violence - Counseling for Abusers

Behavioral Health Agency of Central Arizona Crisis Line (520)836-1688


Community Counseling Center - Holbrook (928)524-6126

Community Counseling Center - Show Low (928)537-2951

National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) TTY 1-800-787-7224

New Horizon Community Counseling Center - Winslow (928)289-4658

Parents Anonymous of AZ (Crisis Hotline) 1-800-352-0528

Domestic Violence - Shelters/Safe Houses; (24 hours)

Alice's Place (24 Hours) (928) 289-3003, toll-free 1-888-531-7233

Boys Town National Hotline (24 Hours) 1-800-448-3000 TTY:1-800-448-1833

Kyenta Tohdenasshai Shelter/Home (928)697-8591


Navajo Town Sight Community Development (505)777-2245

White Mountain SAFE House - Pine Top/Lakeside (928)367-6017


Information Resources

Community Information and Referral(24 hours) 602-263-8856


Contact Shelter Hotline-24 Hour Information & Referral (602)263-8856


Parent Assistance Hotline (Information on Parents' Legal Rights) 1-800-732-8193

Legal Services

Southern Arizona Legal Aid, Lakeside (928)537-8383 1-800-658-7958

Orders of Protection/Injunctions Against Harassment

Pinetop/Lakeside Municipal Courts (928)368-6200

Show Low Municipal Courts (928)532-6030

Snowflake Municipal Courts (928)536-4141

Winslow Justice Courts (928)289-6840

Holbrook Justice Court (928)524-4720

Kayenta Justice Court (928)697-3522

Pinetop,Lakeside Justice Court (928)368-6200

Snowflake Justice Court (928)536-4141

Clerk of the Superior Court (928)524-4188

Victim Services

Victim Rights and Witness Assist Program

AZ State Attorney General (602)542-4911



  • My son (36) lives in Phoenix, AZ His Girl Friend (whom he has 2 children with) took out a Protection Order against him in order to make her apartment complex happy & not get kicked out. She had him stay away for a few days then moved him right back in. Does this not make the Protection Order Null & Void?
  • My daughter(12yo)and I are survivors of Domestic Violence. I was awarded sole custody of my daughter. For the past 3&1/2 years my ex-husband has continued to violate our parenting plan. He continously blames me for his choices and his daughter as well. Last week he blantently violated the parenting plan by leaving my daughter at our apt's alone. Our parnenting plan states specifically we are required to exchnge her at McDonalds at 7pm. What legal recourse do I have?
  • My best friend is having issues with her husband. He drinks every day to the point of total intoxication. He is verbally abusive and demeaning to her. He has pushed her, head butted her and told her that he “should beat her ass”. He has maxed out her credit cards and does everything he can to financially entrap her. They have 2 children 13 and 15. She is afraid to leave the kids with him because of his drinking and because he is not dependable. My friend wants to leave but due to the financial position he continues to put her in, she cannot afford to get out. Is this considered DV? Options?
  • My parents kept seeing maks on my body assuming it was from being beat when really it was from aggressive sexual activities with my fiancé. Even though I told them it wasn't abuse I was embarrassed and afraid to tell them otherwise, so when they filed a report against my fiancé stating that he was hurting me and after I begged them not to do so they made it seem like they had already picked him up and took him in so when I spoke to the officer I was extremely distraught and went along with it anyways. He faces a hearing is there anyway I can stop this from happening,
  • My ex and I had a domestic violence issue where one party assaulted the other and property was destroyed. I declined to press charges at the time (May 2018), and the charges have been dismissed without prejudice since (June 2018). Can I change my mind and still pursue charges against the other party?
  • I have a domestic violence charge against me and although I had it set aside, I still can not get a job in AZ. I need to know how long this conviction, which is a misdemeanor, stays on my record?
  • I went to my acoholic ex-husbands to check on him. He had given me a key. I entered his apartment after calling and leaving messages and knocking. After I entered the apartment I was attacked and beaten. The police came. I never hit him. I end up in the hospital for the night with facial trauma and lacerations to my had with broken glass in it still. The police said I could not file charges on him because I was in his residence. He tried to kill me. What can I do?? I have cut all connections with him and am not answering any of his call to me or his children. I am scared.
  • What haplens if you get pregnant with a person tgat you have a restraining order on while tge restraining order is still up
  • My girlfriend came to my house uninvited to pick up the kids with rage she got four domestic violence and was sent to jail that night..The cops left the children in my son's care at my home. ..she plead not guilty and she is taking this to trial with a lawyer. ..what are her chances..The four of us were the victims. What are her chances of getting off?
  • Can my children's father get a restraining order against me keeping me from my children after he lost all parental rights in court after he failed to comply with dcfs the state gave me custody and terminated his but I allowed him back in their lives now he says he has a restraining order is that possible?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program