Unemployment Compensation Article

Know Your Rights: Overpayment of Unemployment Insurance Benefits



 (480) 727-2382


The Arizona Department of Economic Security (DES) may determine that a claimant is not entitled to unemployment insurance benefits that were already paid. DES has a right to seek repayment of these overpaid benefits. This document provides an overview of overpayments, how they are classified, why that classification matters, and offers tips for claimants with overpayments.

What is an Overpayment?

• An overpayment is a payment of any amount of unemployment insurance benefits to a person whom DES later determines is not entitled to all or part of those benefits. (1)

• An overpayment occurs when:

1) Eligible claimants receive more benefits than they are entitled to because of DES error;

2) Claimants initially receive benefits and are subsequently disqualified; or

3) Claimants receive benefits because of fraud.

How do you Know if you have an Overpayment?

• DES will send you a form letter called a Determination of Overpayment. This letter specifies the weeks and amount that DES alleges you were overpaid. It will also classify the overpayment into one of the below categories.

Types of Overpayments & Why the Classifications Matters (2)

DES has a right to recoup overpaid benefits, associated interest and related fees. Among other things, the type of overpayment dictates the amount of money that may be recovered and the ways in which the overpayment may be collected. The main classifications are:

1) Administrative Error: when an overpayment occurs without fault of the claimant

o Ex: A DES error in processing paperwork leads a claimant to receive extra benefits or DES later overturns an initial determination that found claimant eligible.

o 10% interest on any unpaid principal balance begins to accrue 6 months after the date of determination.

o Claimants may seek a waiver of the recoupment of an overpayment classified as Administrative Error. See Know Your Rights: Waiver of Unemployment Benefits.

2) Non-fraud: when a claimant unintentionally gave incorrect or incomplete information

o Ex: A claimant unintentionally lists a former employer as the local company and not the large national conglomerate that owns the local company (because they had never heard of the parent company).

o DES does not specify what information the claimant provided that was incorrect or incomplete. Nor does it currently grant waivers for non-fraud overpayments.

o 10% interest is charged from the month following the date of determination. 1 A.R.S. § 23-787(A); A.A.C. R6-3-1301. 2 A.R.S. §§ 23-787(B), 44-1201; A.A.C. R6-3-1301(5-8); A.A.C. R6-3-1312.

3) Fraud: when a claimant knowing misrepresents or conceals material facts to obtain benefits to which the claimant was not lawfully entitled (3)

o Ex: DES views it as a misrepresentation for claimant to list the separation from employment as a layoff instead of a termination, when the person actually quit in anticipation of being fired.

o DES does not specify currently what information the claimant knowingly misrepresented or what material facts were concealed.

o A fine of 15% of the overpaid benefits is added to the overpayment balance.

o 10% interest is charged from the month following the date of determination.

o There is the potential for criminal prosecution with a penalty of up to 2 years in prison and $150,000 in fines for each fraudulent statement.

o Claimants are disqualified from obtaining more unemployment insurance benefits for a period of 2 years. Claimants also are prohibited from obtaining new benefits until all fraudulent overpayment, penalties, and interest are repaid.

How can I change my Classification or Appeal?

• Claimants may challenge the finding, amount, or classification of overpayment within 15 days of the date on the notice of determination.

• If a claimant timely appeals a determination of overpayment, DES will send the claimant a notice of a telephonic hearing with an Administrative Law Judge. o As explained in the notice, Claimants may submit documents, register witnesses, and/or testify at the telephone hearing run by an Administrative Law Judge.

o After the hearing, the Administrative Law Judge issues a written decision, which may be appealed further if the claimant believes the decision is wrong. Tips for Claimants with an Overpayment

• Keep all documents received from DES and all documents you submit to DES.

• DES may collect overpayments after the 15 day window from the notice has passed. o If the claimant is still receiving benefits, DES may deduct all or a portion of the overpayment from future benefits payable to the claimant. (4)

o If the claimant is not currently receiving benefits, DES may garnish wages, lottery winnings, and/or tax returns. DES also may begin collection proceedings to recoup any overpayment balance. (5)

• Interest accrues on overpayments during appeals. (6)

• If you have an administrative or non-fraud overpayment, DES may agree to a repayment plan if you ask for one.

• There is no limit on the amount of time that DES takes to collect an overpayment; and long periods of time may pass from the date the underlying benefits were distributed. For More Information Visit

• DES’s Guide to Unemployment Insurance (p.9), https://www.azdes.gov/InternetFiles/Pamphlets/pdf/pau-007-PD.pdf.

• The William E. Morris Institute for Justice’s Guide to Unemployment Insurance (p. 34), http://morrisinstituteforjustice.org/docs/UnemploymentInsuranceGuide.pdf.

• Information about referrals for legal assistance is available at http://www.azlawhelp.org/ or by calling (866) 637-5341.

(1) A.R.S. § 23-787(A); A.A.C. R6-3-1301.

(2) A.R.S. §§ 23-787(B), 44-1201; A.A.C. R6-3-1301(5-8); A.A.C. R6-3-1312.

(3) A.R.S. §§ 23-787(B), 23-785.

(4) A.R.S. § 23-787(A).

(5) 26 U.S.C. § 6402(F); A.R.S. § 23-787(F); 31 C.F.R. § 285.8; A.A.C. R6-3-1813.

(6) A.A.C. R6-3-1812.

Prepared on 4/8/15 by Nicole Fries,Certified Limited Practice Student

Contributing Attorney: Marcy Karin is the Faculty Supervisor of the Work-Life Law and Policy Clinic at Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law at ASU.

Attached Document
.pdf Know Your Rights: Overpayment of Unemployment Insurance Benefits



  • I have been out on disability leave of work since July 1st from my job and was denied my claim. My Dr. has said I should not return to work, but since I have not been making income, I can't afford the rent, food, or gas to make it to my Doctors appointments. I have also been wrongfully treated by my employer and had to open a complaint and possibly a lawsuit against my supervisor. I tried to give my employer a chance to take care of it, but I was told I can't even complain because I am out on leave. If I voluntarily quit and look for part time work can I qualify for unemployment?
  • I am a dentist,the company I work for has closed vdown temporarily a minimum of 3 weeks likely longer.Am I eligible for unemployment
  • I was laid off, but my boss from that employer is claiming I quit. I filed an appeal and soon i'll have my hearing. The proof I have to him laying me off is via text message, and the keywords he said are "due to the corona virus customer are cancelling, clearly not enough work to keep you." Do you think that evidence will be enough to win in court?
  • If I voluntarily quit my job am I entitled to unemployment compensation?
  • I missed my initial hearing for unemployment last june due to a misunderstanding on the directions i have since filed for appeals as i keep getting denied. i am on my last one it seems i am trying to prove good cause for missing my first hearing. i was advised by the az gov office to seek legal advice. I feel i had good cause i understood i had a phone hearing and i was not going to be present so i did not need to call in advance as directd onpage one. the directions are misleading. what can i do to prove good cause? i did not know that good cause was te case until after my 1st appeal thanyou
  • I was offered a part time job earning $160 a week, which is less than what I am claiming for unemployment. Can I still receive benefits and work that job?
  • What information will the judge accept as germane to this appeal? Appeal of UC benefits for voluntary quit. UC was granted: based on "...inharmonious relations with a fellow employee....You voluntarily left with good cause." The employer was stating that "...while being given a performance improvement plan, she became upset and resigned." This is not accurate. Job abandonment and failure to provide written notification cited. I have an email 061313 from my supervisor in response to my leaving because of the current unresolved tensions with a co worker. I have a performance eval. merit pay
  • I applied for unemployment on March 29th and was approved. I have been receiving unemployment but I have not spent any as I am sure my previous employer will dispute the unemployment claim. How long does an employer have to dispute an umemployment claim? I do not feel safe touching the monies I've been given yet.
  • I worked 12 hours per week and was laid off - am I eligible for unemployment?
  • the employer charged with paying me unemployment has now asked me to do a one time very small project for a couple hundred dollars as a 1099. I'm afraid of accepting this work because I will still need unemployment benefits after this project is done. will i lose unemployment for a one time project job paying very little? Do the questions asking me about work on the weekly filing have anything to do with 1099 work or just fulltime work?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program