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  • While I was with my Mom at her boyfriend's house in CA, my friend and I walked in on them watching porn in the living room. They didn't hear us come in so she doesn't know that I know. I told my Dad and he is trying to decide how to handle this. I want to know (and so does my Dad) if this is reason enough for my Dad to get sole custody. Now they both have joint physical custody. Has a crime been commited and how will the courts view this event? Thank you.
  • I want to obtain full custody of my children right now their dad has not seen them in months but is paying child support he has had trouble with the law and has been in jail and also problems with drugs how can I file for full custody and is that something that can be granted or what will it take for that to be granted..
  • I've been sick for the past 3 months and the doctors have not been able to diagnose my initial cause. Because of the musky smell in our rental, we believe there to be mold. I believe it is mold making me sick. When I informed the owner he instantly jumped down my throat and asked why this is the first he's hearing of anything. Since I asked not to pay rent till the rental tested for mold he threatened to start the eviction process as soon as possible. I understand I have to pay rent. What do I do about the possible mold issue?
  • Is it legal to sell meat without the weight and cost per pound identified?

    Where Can I Buy Phentermine Online at Lowest Price without Prescription?

  • I recieved a Civil Summons at my home. I want to payoff my debt, can I just contact the plaintiff or do I need to go thru the court? Is there any other alternet course of action for me?
  • If one has a legal separation can those documents to rolled over to divorce papers without additional filing fees or document preparation?
  • In 2010 I was granted a bankruptcy, which included my home. However, the home wasn't foreclosed upon until 2011. Now, I want to purchase property. Does the date before I can get a loan count back to when the bankruptcy was granted or to the date of the foreclosure?
  • i was given a wavier of consent of guardianship for my son i want to know after i sign it what will be my rights and if i have to pay child support
  • my mother bought me a car and had the bill of sale and title made out to me. now that im moving shes saying i cant register and insure the car until i do good in her eyes. she put the title and bill of sale in her safe so i cant get it. Can she do that? What do i do t get it?
  • Does a landlord or the designated property manager have a certain time to respond to repairs?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program