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  • Is it possible to become a guardian for a 19-year-old in Arizona? And if so, under what circumstances? Thank you!
  • My husband and I are renting a mobile home space. The mobile home mortgage lien holder is telling us we have to vacate if the mortgage is not paid. The purchaser of the mortgage is past due. We have no responsibility over the mortgage only the space rental. How are we able to get out of the rental space contract if we have to vacate under these circumstances? The purchaser is not in communication with the lien holder and has not made any response. We have been in good credit with the space rental/landowner payments to date.
  • Does the affidavit in a modifaction really affect the outcome of child support?
  • How can I get back my property I sold to someone (deed of trust) who promised to pay me monthly for 30 years arrangement, but become delinquent in payments? How to foreclose it from home owner? Does home owner covered by AZ anti-deficiency law?
  • Can a credit card company sell thier old receivables/ debt for a lessor amount and the new so collection company collect at the old debt rate?
  • can police serve order of protection without seal on order
  • I allowed an ex to move back in while she "got on her feet." She has never paid rent or utilities and we have no written agreement altho it was understood at the time to be a short-term favor. It is now over 2 years and she says she doesn't want to move out until she can afford her own place. When we met 3 years ago she was renting a room in a house which is what I am suggesting she do again now - what are my legal options in terms of requiring her to move out?
  • i am 17 years and 2 months. Can I choose to live with my brother instead my mother
  • I have a 15 month old child with my girl friend. she the mother has been out of state for 3 an a half months I have been supporting and taking care my son sence birth do I have any legal rights
  • What eyecare providers in az. except ahccs?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program